Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2743

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12 2 STA T . 2 7 2 0PUBLIC LA W 110 – 2 89—J UL Y3 0 , 2008 forsuchmi sus eda mou nt s and return to the S tate or State desi g nated entit y any such amounts that remain unused or uncommitted for use .T he remedies under this c l ause are in addition to any other remedies that may b ea v ailable under la w . ‘ ‘ ( ii )DET E RMINA TI O N. —A determination is made in accordance with this clause if the determination is made by the Secretary or made by the State or State designated entity ,p rovided that— ‘‘( I ) the State or State designated entity pro - vides notification of the determination to the Sec- retary for review, in the discretion of the Secretary, of the determination

and ‘‘(II) the Secretary does not subse q uently reverse the determination. ‘‘( 2 ) G RANTEE S .— ‘‘(A) R E P ORT.— ‘‘(i) IN G ENERA L .—The Secretary shall require each State or State designated entity receiving grant amounts in any given year under this section to submit a report, for such year, to the Secretary that— ‘‘(I) describes the activities funded under this section during such year with such grant amounts; and ‘‘(II) the manner in which the State or State designated entity complied during such year with any allocation plan established pursuant to sub- section (c). ‘‘(ii) PUB LI C A V AILABILIT Y .—The Secretary shall ma k e such reports pursuant to this subparagraph pub- licly available. ‘‘( B ) M ISUSE O F FUN D S.—If the Secretary determines, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing, that a State or State designated entity has failed to comply substantially with any provision of this section, and until the Secretary is satisfied that there is no longer any such failure to comply, the Secretary shall— ‘‘(i) reduce the amount of assistance under this section to the State or State designated entity by an amount equal to the amount of grant amounts which were not used in accordance with this section; ‘‘(ii) require the State or State designated entity to repay the Secretary any amount of the grant which was not used in accordance with this section; ‘‘(iii) limit the availability of assistance under this section to the State or State designated entity to activi- ties or recipients not affected by such failure to comply; or ‘‘(iv) terminate any assistance under this section to the State or State designated entity. ‘‘(f) DEFINITIONS.— F or purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply

‘‘( 1 ) EX TREMELY LO W -INCOME RENTER H OUSEHOLD.—The term ‘e x tremely low-income renter household ’ means a house- hold whose income is not in excess of 30 percent of the area median income, with ad j ustments for smaller and larger fami- lies, as determined by the Secretary. Notif i ca tio n. Notification.