Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2775

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12 2 STA T . 2 75 2 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 89—J UL Y3 0 , 2008 ‘ ‘ (i i )SECURIT IE S C ON TR A CT .—Thet e rm ‘ s e cu rities c on tr a ct ’ — ‘‘( I ) means a contract f or the p urchase , sa l e, or loan of a securit y , a certificate of d eposit, a mort g age loan, or any interest in a mortgage loan, a group or inde x of securities, certificates of deposit, or mortgage loans or interests therein (including any interest therein or b ased on the v alue thereof) or any option on any of the fore - going, including any option to purchase or sell any such security, certificate of deposit, mortgage loan, interest, group or index, or option, and including any repurchase or reverse repurchase transaction on any such security, certificate of deposit, mortgage loan, interest, group or index, or option

‘‘(II) does not include any purchase, sale, or repurchase obligation under a participation in a commercial mortgage loan, unless the A gency determines by regulation, resolution, or order to include any such agreement w ithin the meaning of such term; ‘‘(III) means any option entered into on a national securities exchange relating to foreign currencies; ‘‘(I V ) means the guarantee by or to any securi- ties clearing agency of any settlement of cash, securities, certificates of deposit, mortgage loans or interests therein, group or index of securities, certificates of deposit, or mortgage loans or interests therein (including any interest therein or based on the value thereof) or option on any of the foregoing, including any option to purchase or sell any such security, certificate of deposit, mortgage loan, interest, group or index, or option; ‘‘(V) means any margin loan; ‘‘(VI) means any other agreement or trans- action that is similar to any agreement or trans- action referred to in this clause; ‘‘(VII) means any combination of the agree- ments or transactions referred to in this clause; ‘‘(VIII) means any option to enter into any agreement or transaction referred to in this clause; ‘‘(I X ) means a master agreement that provides for an agreement or transaction referred to in sub- clause (I), (III), (IV), (V), (VI), (VII), or (VIII), together with all supplements to any such master agreement, without regard to whether the master agreement provides for an agreement or trans- action that is not a securities contract under this clause, except that the master agreement shall be considered to be a securities contract under this clause only with respect to each agreement or transaction under the master agreement that is referred to in subclause (I), (III), (IV), (V), (VI), (VII), or (VIII); and