Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/294

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12 2 STA T . 2 7 1 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 TI T LE I X—D E PAR T M E N T OF DEFEN S E OR G ANI Z ATION AND MANAGEMENT Subti t leA—D e par t m e n t of Defen s e M ana g ement Se c.901 . R epeal of limitation on ma j or Department of Defense h ea dq uarters acti v i - ties personnel and related report. Sec. 90 2 . F le x ibilit y to adjust the number of deputy chiefs and assistant chiefs. Sec. 90 3 . C hange in eligibility requirements for appointment to Department of De- fense leadership positions. Sec. 90 4 . Management of the Department of Defense. Sec. 90 5 . Revision in guidance relating to combatant command acquisition author- ity. Sec. 90 6 . Department of Defense B oard of Actuaries. Sec. 90 7 . Modification of bac k ground requirement of individuals appointed as U nder Secretary of Defense for Acquisition ,T echnology, and L ogistics. Sec. 90 8 . Assistant Secretaries of the military departments for acquisition matters

principal military deputies. Sec. 909. Sense of Congress on term of O ffice of the Director of Operational Test and E valuation. Subtitle B—Space Activities Sec. 911. Space protection strategy. Sec. 912. Biennial report on management of space cadre w ithin the Department of Defense. Sec. 913. Additional report on oversight of acquisition for defense space programs. Subtitle C—Chemical Demilitari z ation P rogram Sec. 921. Chemical demilitarization citizens advisory commissions. Sec. 922. Sense of Congress on completion of destruction of United States chemical weapons stockpile. Sec. 923. Repeal of certain qualifications requirement for director of chemical de- militarization management organization. Sec. 924. Modification of termination of assistance to State and local governments after completion of the destruction of the United States chemical weap- ons stockpile. Subtitle D— I ntelligence-Related Matters Sec. 931. Technical amendments to title 10, United States Code, arising from en- actment of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. Subtitle E—Roles and Missions Analysis Sec. 941. Requirement for quadrennial roles and missions review. Sec. 942. J oint Requirements Oversight Council additional duties relating to core mission areas. Sec. 943. Requirement for certification of major systems prior to technology devel- opment. Sec. 944. Presentation of future-years mission budget by core mission area. Subtitle F—Other Matters Sec. 951. Department of Defense consideration of effect of climate change on De- partment facilities, capabilities, and missions. Sec. 952. Interagency policy coordination. Sec. 953. Expansion of employment creditable under service agreements under N a- tional Security Education Program. Sec. 954. Board of Regents for the Uniformed Services University of the H ealth Sciences. Sec. 955. Establishment of Department of Defense School of Nursing. Sec. 956. Inclusion of commanders of W estern Hemisphere combatant commands in Board of V isitors of Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Coopera- tion. Sec. 957. Comptroller G eneral assessment of reorganization of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. Sec. 958. Report on foreign language proficiency.