Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2999

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12 2 STA T . 2 976PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 297 —J UL Y3 1 , 200 8WaterDis tri c t , a S ett l e m e n t Ag reement h as b een d e v el op ed to determine the T ribe ’ s w ater rights, resolve all o f its claims for interference with the water reso u rces of, and damages to, its R eservation, provide for the construction of water pro j ects to facilitate the e x ercise of the Tribe’s rights, and resolve the lawsuit referenced in paragraph (2) of this section . ( 5 ) The Settlement Agreement provides that — (A) E astern M unicipal Water District and L a k e H emet Municipal Water District acknowledge and assure the Tribe’s prior and paramount right, superior to all others, to pump 9 , 0 00 acre - feet of water annuall y from the San J acinto River basin in accordance with the limitations and other conditions set forth in the Settlement Agreement

( B ) Eastern Municipal Water District and The Metro- politan Water District of Southern C alifornia will contract to supply water to Eastern Municipal Water District and Eastern Municipal Water District will use this water to recharge water supplies into the basin; and (C) the three water districts will make substantial additional contributions to the settlement, including the conveyance of certain replacement lands and economic development funds to the Tribe, to carry out the Settlement Agreement’s provisions. (b) PURPOSE S.—The purposes of this Act are— ( 1 ) to approve, ratify, and confirm the Settlement Agree- ment entered into by the Tribe and non- I ndians entities; (2) to achieve a fair, e q uitable, and final settlement of all claims of the Soboba Band of Luisen ˜ o Indians, its members, and the U nited States on behalf of the Tribe and its members, to the water of the San Jacinto River basin; ( 3 ) to authori z e and direct the Secretary of the Interior to execute and perform all obligations of the Secretary under the Settlement Agreement; and ( 4 ) to authorize the actions and appropriations necessary to meet obligations of the United States under the Settlement Agreement and this Act. SEC.3 . D E FIN I T I O NS. In this Act

(1) RES T OR A T I O NF UN D .—The term ‘ ‘Restoration F und’’ means the San Jacinto Basin Restoration Fund established by section 6 . (2) DE V E L OP M ENT FUND.—The term ‘‘Development Fund’’ means the Soboba Band of Luisen˜ o Indians Water Development Fund established by section 7 . (3) RESERVATION.— (A) IN G ENERAL.—The term ‘‘Reservation’’ means the Soboba Indian Reservation created by Executive O rder dated June 19, 1 8 83, and enlarged and modified as of the date of enactment of this Act by Executive Orders and an Act of Congress. (B) E XC LUSIONS.—For the purposes of this Act, the term ‘‘Reservation’’ does not include— (i) the 950 acres northwest of and contiguous to the Reservation known as the ‘‘Jones Ranch’’, pur- chased by the Soboba Tribe in fee on July 21, 2001, and placed into trust on January 13, 2003;