Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3010

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12 2 STA T . 2 987PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 298 —J UL Y3 1 , 2008 (B)whilenot in jur e d,p er f or m ed a na c t characteri z ed a sb ra v er y by the F ederal a g ency head ma k ing the nomina - tion that placed the individual at risk of serious physical injury or death . (b) CONTE NT S . —A nomination under subsection (a) shall include— ( 1 ) a written narrative, of not more than 2 pages, describing the circumstances under which the nominee performed the act of bravery described in subsection (a) and how the cir- cumstances meet the criteria described in such subsection

(2) the full name of the nominee; ( 3 ) the home mailing address of the nominee; ( 4 ) the agency in which the nominee served on the date when such nominee performed the act of bravery described in subsection (a); ( 5 ) the occupational title and grade or rank of the nominee; ( 6 ) the field office address of the nominee on the date when such nominee performed the act of bravery described in subsection (a); and ( 7 ) the number of years of G overnment service by the nominee as of the date when such nominee performed the act of bravery described in subsection (a). (c) SUBMI SSION D E ADL INE.—A Federal agency head shall submit each nomination under subsection (a) to the O ffice not later than February 15 of the year following the date on which the nominee performed the act of bravery described in subsection (a). SEC.103 . F E D E RAL LA W E N F O RCE M EN T CON G RESS I ONAL B ADGE OF BRA V ER Y BOARD. (a) E STABLIS H MENT.— T here is established within the Depart- ment of J ustice a Federal L aw Enforcement Congressional Badge of Bravery Board. (b) DUTIES.—The Federal Board shall do the following

(1) Design the Federal Law Enforcement Badge with appro- priate ribbons and appurtenances. (2) Select an engraver to produce each Federal Law Enforcement Badge. (3) R ecommend recipients of the Federal Law Enforcement Badge from among those nominations timely submitted to the Office. (4) Annually present to the Attorney General the names of Federal law enforcement officers who the Federal Board recommends as Federal Law Enforcement Badge recipients in accordance with the criteria described in section 1 0 2(a). (5) After approval by the Attorney General— (A) procure the Federal Law Enforcement Badges from the engraver selected under paragraph (2); (B) send a letter announcing the award of each Federal Law Enforcement Badge to the Federal agency head who nominated the recipient of such Federal Law Enforcement Badge; (C) send a letter to each M ember of Congress rep- resenting the congressional district where the recipient of each Federal Law Enforcement Badge resides to offer such Member an opportunity to present such Federal Law Enforcement Badge; and 42USC15 24 3.