Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/310

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12 2 STA T . 2 87PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 181 —J A N .28 , 2008 ‘ ‘ (6)apl a nfor a d dr es s i n g an y gaps or u nne c essary duplica -t ion identified pursuant to paragrap h ( 4 ) or paragraph ( 5 ) . ‘‘(d) REPORT . —T he S ecretary shall su bm it a report on the q uadrennial roles and missions re v ie w to the C ommittees on A rmed Services of the Senate and the H ouse of Representatives. The report shall be submitted in the year following the year in which the review is conducted , but not later than the date on which the P resident submits the budget for the ne x t fiscal year to Congress under section 1 1 0 5(a) of title 3 1. ’ ’. (b) REPE AL O F S U PER S E D ED PRO VI SIO N .—Section 11 8 (e) of title 10, U nited States Code, is amended— (1) by stri k ing paragraph ( 2 )

and (2) by redesignating paragraph (3) as paragraph (2). (c) TI M IN G OF Q UADRENNIAL ROLES AND M ISSIONS REVIE W .— (1) F IRST REVIEW.—The first quadrennial roles and missions review under section 118b of title 10, United States Code, as added by subsection (a), shall be conducted during 2008. (2) SU B SE Q UENT REVIEWS.—Subsequent reviews shall be conducted every four years, beginning in 2011. SEC.942 . JOINTR E QU IRE M ENTS O V ERSI GH T COUNCI LAD DITIONAL DUTIES RELATING TO CORE MISSION AREAS. (a) REVISIONS IN MISSION.—Subsection (b) of section 181 of title 10, United States Code, is amended to read as follows

‘‘(b) MISSION.— I n addition to other matters assigned to it by the President or Secretary of D efense, the J oint Requirements O ver- sight Council shall— ‘‘(1) assist the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff— ‘‘(A) in identifying, assessing, and approving j oint mili- tary requirements (including existing systems and equip- ment) to meet the national military strategy; and ‘‘( B ) in identifying the core mission area associated with each such requirement; ‘‘(2) assist the Chairman in establishing and assigning priority levels for joint military requirements; ‘‘(3) assist the Chairman in reviewing the estimated level of resources required in the fulfillment of each joint military requirement and in ensuring that such resource level is con- sistent with the level of priority assigned to such requirement; and ‘‘(4) assist acquisition officials in identifying alternatives to any acquisition program that meet joint military require- ments for the purposes of section 2366a(a)(4), section 2366b(b), and section 2433(e)(2) of this title.’’. (b) ADVISORS.—Section 181 of such title is amended— (1) by redesignating subsection (d) as subsection (f); and (2) by inserting after subsection (c) the following new sub- section (d): ‘‘(d) ADVISORS.—The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and L ogistics, the Under Secretary of Defense (Comp- troller), and the Director of the Office of Program Analysis and E valuation shall serve as advisors to the Council on matters within their authority and expertise.’’. (c) ORGANI Z ATION.—Section 181 of such title is further amended by inserting after subsection (d) (as inserted by subsection (b)) the following new subsection (e): 10USC 11 8bnote.