Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3149

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12 2 STA T .3 12 6PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 31 5— AU G .1 4, 200 8‘ ‘ (B)ifthe i ns tit u ti o n pr o v i d es infor ma tion re g arding a private edu c ation l oan to a prospective b orro w er , concur - rentl y provide such borrower with the information the S ec- retary provides to the institution under subsection (a) . ‘‘( 2 ) CHOICE O F FO RMS . —I n providing the information re q uired under paragraph ( 1 ), an institution of higher education may use a comparable form designed by the institution instead of the model disclosure form developed under section 1 53 (a)(2)(B). ’ ’. TI T LE II — TE ACH E RQU ALIT Y E N HANCE M ENT SEC.201 . T E A C H E RQU A LI T Y E N HANCE M ENT. T itle II (2 0U .S.C. 1021 et seq.) is amended— (1) by inserting before part A the following

‘SEC. 200. D E F INITI O NS. ‘‘In this title: ‘‘(1) AR T S AND SCIENCES.—The term ‘arts and sciences’ means— ‘‘(A) when referring to an organi z ational unit of an institution of higher education, any academic unit that offers one or more academic ma j ors in disciplines or content areas corresponding to the academic subject matter areas in which teachers provide instruction

and ‘‘(B) when referring to a specific academic subject area, the disciplines or content areas in which academic majors are offered by the arts and sciences organizational unit. ‘‘(2) CHI L DREN FROM LO W -INCOME FAMILIES.—The term ‘children from low-income families’ means children described in section 112 4 (c)(1)(A) of the E lementary and Secondary Edu- cation Act of 1 96 5. ‘‘(3) CORE ACADEMIC S UBJ ECTS.—The term ‘core academic subjects’ has the meaning given the term in section 9101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. ‘‘(4) EARL Y CHILDHOOD EDUCATOR.—The term ‘early child- hood educator’ means an individual with primary responsibility for the education of children in an early childhood education program. ‘‘(5) EDUCATIONAL SER V ICE A G ENCY.—The term ‘educational service agency’ has the meaning given the term in section 9101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. ‘‘(6) ELIGIBLE P ARTNERSHIP.—E x cept as otherwise provided in section 251, the term ‘eligible partnership’ means an entity that— ‘‘(A) shall include— ‘‘(i) a high-need local educational agency; ‘‘(ii)(I) a high-need school or a consortium of high- need schools served by the high-need local educational agency; or ‘‘(II) as applicable, a high-need early childhood edu- cation program; ‘‘(iii) a partner institution; ‘‘(iv) a school, department, or program of education within such partner institution, which may include 20USC1 021 .