Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/320

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12 2 STA T . 2 97PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 underth ere o r ga n iz ation on the a b i l it y o f the As sistant S e c- retary to carry out the p rincipal duties of the Assistant Sec- retary under la w.(7)T he possible decrease in attention gi v en to special oper- ations issues resulting fro m the increase in responsibilities for the Assistant Secretary of D efense for Special O perations and L ow I ntensity C onflict and Interdependent Capabilities , including responsibility under the reorganization for each of the following

(A) Strategic capabilities. ( B ) F orces transformation. (C) M a j or budget programs. ( 8 ) The possible diffusion of attention from counter- narcotics, counterproliferation, and global threat issues resulting from the merging of those responsibilities under a single Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Counter- narcotics, Counterproliferation, and G lobal Threats. ( 9 ) The impact of the reorganization on counternarcotics program e x ecution. ( 10 ) The uni q ue placement under the reorganization of both functional and regional issue responsibilities under the Assistant Secretary of Defense for H omeland Defense and Americas ’ Security Affairs. (11) The differentiation between the responsibilities of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for P artnership Strategy and the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Coalition Affairs and the relationship between such officials. SEC.958 . R E PO R T O NF ORE IG N LA NG U AGE PROFICIENC Y . (a) I N G E NE RAL . —N ot later than 24 0 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter until the date referred to in subsection (d), the Secretary of Defense, in conjunction with the Secretary of each military department, shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report on the foreign lan- guage proficiency of the personnel of the Department of Defense. (b) C O N T ENT S .— E ach report submitted under subsection (a) shall include— (1) the number of positions, identified by each foreign lan- guage and dialect, for each military department and Defense Agency concerned that— (A) require proficiency in that foreign language or dia- lect for the year in which the submission of the report is required

(B) are anticipated to require proficiency in that foreign language or dialect for each of the five years following the date of the submission of the report; and (C) are authorized in the future-years defense plan to be maintained for proficiency in a foreign language or dialect; (2) the number of personnel for each military department and Defense Agency, identified by each foreign language and dialect, that are serving in a position that requires proficiency in the foreign language or dialect— (A) to perform the primary duty of the position; and (B) that meet the required level of proficiency of the Interagency Language R oundtable;