Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3304

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12 2 STA T .3 2 8 1 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 31 5— AU G .1 4, 2008 ‘ ‘ (B)acom m it m en ttoma k e , not l ate r t h an the y ear b e f ore the d e p endent s t u dents participatin g in the dem - onstration program plan to enroll in an institution of higher education, an estimate of the a w ard of S tate financial aid to such dependent students

‘‘( C ) a plan for recruiting institutions of higher edu- cation and secondary schools with different demographic characteristics to participate in the program; ‘‘( D ) a plan for selecting institutions of higher education and secondary schools to participate in the program that — ‘‘(i) demonstrate a commitment to encouraging stu- dents to submit a FA FSA, or, as appropriate, an EZ FAFSA, two years before the students ’ planned date of enrollment in an institution of higher education; ‘‘(ii) ser v e different populations of students; ‘‘(iii) in the case of institutions of higher edu- cation— ‘‘( I )tothee x tent possible, are of varying types and sectors; and ‘‘(II) commit to making, not later than the year prior to the year that dependent students participating in the demonstration program plan to enroll in the institution— ‘‘(aa) estimated institutional awards to participating dependent students; and ‘‘(bb) estimated grants or other financial aid available under this title (including supple- mental grants under subpart 3 of part A), for all participating dependent students, along with information on State awards, as provided to the institution by the State; ‘‘(E) a commitment to participate in the evaluation conducted by the Secretary; and ‘‘(F) such other information as the Secretary may re q uire . ‘‘( 6 )S PECIAL P ROV I S IO N S.— ‘‘(A) DISCRE T ION O F ST UD ENT FINANCIAL AID AD M INIS- TRATORS.—A financial aid administrator at an institution of higher education participating in a demonstration pro- gram under this subsection may use the discretion provided under section 479 A as necessary for students participating in the demonstration program. ‘‘(B) W AIVERS.— T he Secretary is authori z ed to waive, for an institution of higher education participating in the demonstration program, any requirements under this title, or regulations prescribed under this title, that will make the demonstration program unworkable, except that the Secretary shall not waive any provisions with respect to the maximum award amounts for grants and loans under this title. ‘‘(7) O UTREAC H .—The Secretary shall make appropriate efforts to notify States of the demonstration program under this subsection. U pon determination of participating States, the Secretary shall continue to make efforts to notify institu- tions of higher education and dependent students within partici- pating States of the opportunity to participate in the demonstra- tion program and of the participation requirements. Notif i ca tio n.