Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3467

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12 2 STA T .34 44 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 31 5— AU G .14 , 200 8‘ ‘ (A)OUTREACH.— A descript i on o f t h eo u tre a ch to stu - dents and the students ’ fa m i l ies at the b e g inning and end of each academic y ear of the demonstration pro j ect , at a minimum. ‘‘( B ) DIS TRI B UTI ON .—A description of ho w the S tate educational agency plans to pro v ide the outreach described in subparagraph (A) and to provide the information described in subparagraph ( C ). ‘‘(C) I N F OR M ATION.— T he annual provision by the State educational agency to all students and families partici- pating in the demonstration project of information regarding— ‘‘(i) the estimated statewide average cost of attend- ance for an institution of higher education for each academic year, which cost data shall be disaggregated by— ‘‘(I) type of institution, including— ‘‘(aa) two-year public degree-granting institutions of higher education

‘‘(bb) four-year public degree-granting institutions of higher education; and ‘‘(cc) four-year private degree-granting institutions of higher education; ‘‘(II) component, including— ‘‘(aa) tuition and fees; and ‘‘(bb) room and board; ‘‘(ii) F ederal P ell G rants, including— ‘‘(I) the ma x imum Federal Pell Grant for each award year; ‘‘(II) when and how to apply for a Federal Pell Grant; and ‘‘(III) what the application process for a Fed- eral Pell Grant re q uires; ‘‘(iii) State-specific postsecondary education savings programs; ‘‘(iv) State merit-based financial aid; ‘‘(v) State need-based financial aid; and ‘‘(vi) Federal financial aid available to students, including eligibility criteria for such aid and an expla- nation of the Federal financial aid programs under title I V , such as the Student Guide published by the Department (or any successor to such document). ‘‘( 3 ) COHORTS.—The information described in paragraph ( 2 )(C) shall be provided annually to the two successive cohorts of students described in subsection (b)( 1 )(A) for the duration of the students’ participation in the demonstration project. ‘‘( 4 ) R ESER V ATION.— E ach State educational agency receiving a grant under this section shall reserve not more than 1 5 percent of the grant funds received each fiscal year to carry out the targeted information campaign described in this subsection. ‘‘(g) SU P P L EMENT, N OT SUPPLANT.—A State educational agency shall use grant funds received under this section only to supplement the funds that would, in the absence of such grant funds, be made available from non-Federal sources for students participating in the demonstration project under this section, and not to supplant such funds. Deadlin e .