Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3528

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12 2 STA T .350 5 PUBLIC LA W 110 – 315 — AU G .1 4, 200 8(B)CONSULTA T I ON W IT HRE LE V ANT OR G ANI Z ATION .—TheS e cr e ta r ys ha l le n s u re that the a g ree m ent un d er p ara - graph ( 1 )pr ovi des that relevant agencies and organi z ations w ith e x pertise on the nursing shortage will b e consulted with respect to the study under such paragraph , including the f ollowing

(i) The A gency for H ealthcare R esearch and Q uality. (ii) The American Academy of N ursing. (iii) The American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (iv) The American Nurses Association. (v) The American O rganization of Nurse E xecu- tives. (vi) The National I nstitute of Nursing Research. (vii) The National L eague for Nursing. (viii) The National Organization for Associate D egree Nursing. (ix) The National Student Nurses Association. ( 5 )RE P ORT.—The Secretary shall ensure that the agree- ment under paragraph (1) provides that, not later than 1 8 months after the date of enactment of this section, the Institute of M edicine shall submit a report providing the findings and recommendations made in the study under this section to the Secretary and the authorizing committees. ( 6 ) OTHER ORGANIZATION.—If the Institute of Medicine declines to conduct the study under paragraph (1), the Secretary may enter into an agreement with another appropriate private entity to conduct the study. (c) DE F INITIONS.—In this section: (1) TER M SINPU B LI C HEALTH SERVICE ACT.—The terms ‘ ‘collegiate school of nursing ’ ’, ‘‘associate degree school of nursing’’, and ‘‘diploma school of nursing’’ have the meanings given to such terms in section 8 0 1 of the P ublic Health Service Act ( 42U .S.C. 2 9 6). (2) SCHOOL OF NURSING.—The term ‘‘school of nursing’’ means a collegiate school of nursing, an associate degree school of nursing, or a diploma school of nursing in a State. ( 3 ) SECRETAR Y .—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ means the Secretary of Education. SEC.1 1 2 2.S TUDYAN D R E PO RT ON NON I NDI V IDUA L IN F OR M ATION. (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (1) HISTORICALLY BLAC K COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY.—The term ‘‘historically Blac k college or university’’ has the meaning given the term ‘‘part B institution’’ in section 322 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1061). (2) TRUTH IN LEN D ING ACT.—The terms ‘‘covered edu- cational institution’’ and ‘‘private education loan’’ have the meanings given the terms in section 140 of the Truth in Lending Act, as added by title X . (b) STUDY.—The Comptroller G eneral of the United States shall conduct a study— (1) on the impact on and benefits to borrowers of the inclusion of nonindividual factors, including cohort default rate, accreditation, and graduation rate at institutions of higher Deadlin e .