Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3689

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12 2 STA T .36 66 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 32 9— S E PT. 30 , 200 8ofRepr e s e nta t iv ess h a l l b e notifie d of ea c h transfer w ithin 30 da y safteritise x ec u ted .ALTER AT ION O FB RI DG E SF or necessary expenses for alteration or re m oval of obstructive brid g es , as authori z ed by section 6 of the T ruman -H obbs A ct ( 33 U . S . C . 51 6 ) , $ 16,000,000, to remain available until expended


d , That of the amounts made available under this heading, $ 2 ,000,000 shall be for the B urlington N orthern Railroad Bridge in Burlington, I owa

$2,000,000 shall be for the Canadian P acific Railway Bridge in L a Crosse, W isconsin; $2,000,000 shall be for the Chelsea Street Bridge in Chelsea, M assachusetts; $2,000,000 shall be for the E lgin, J oliet, and Eastern Railway Company Bridge in Morris, Illinois; $ 4 ,000,000 shall be for the Fourteen Mile Bridge in Mobile, Alabama; and $4,000,000 shall be for the G alveston Causeway Bridge in Galveston, Texas. RESEAR CH ,DE V ELO PM ENT, TEST, AND EVAL U ATION For necessary expenses for applied scientific research, develop- ment, test, and evaluation; and for maintenance, rehabilitation, lease, and operation of facilities and e q uipment; as authorized by law; $1 8 ,000,000, to remain available until expended, of which $500,000 shall be derived from the O il Spill Liability Trust Fund to carry out the purposes of section 1012(a)(5) of the Oil Pollution Actof1 9 90 (33 U.S.C. 2 7 12(a)(5)): Provided, That there may be credited to and used for the purposes of this appropriation funds received from State and local governments, other public authorities, private sources, and foreign countries for expenses incurred for research, development, testing, and evaluation. RETIRED PA Y For retired pay, including the payment of obligations otherwise chargeable to lapsed appropriations for this purpose, payments under the Retired Serviceman ’ s Family Protection and Survivor Benefits Plans, payment for career status bonuses, concurrent receipts and combat-related special compensation under the National D efense Authorization Act, and payments for medical care of retired personnel and their dependents under chapter 55 of title 10, United States Code, $1,236,745,000, to remain available until expended. UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE SALARIES AND E X PENSES For necessary expenses of the United States Secret Service, including purchase of not to exceed 675 vehicles for police-type use, of which 645 shall be for replacement only, and hire of pas- senger motor vehicles; purchase of motorcycles made in the United States; hire of aircraft; services of expert witnesses at such rates as may be determined by the Director of the Secret Service; rental of buildings in the District of Columbia, and fencing, lighting, guard booths, and other facilities on private or other property not in Government ownership or control, as may be necessary to perform protective functions; payment of per diem or subsistence allowances to employees where a protective assignment during the