Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3720

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12 2 STA T .3697PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 329 — S E PT. 30 , 200 8ADMIN I STRA TI VEP R O VISIONS S E C.10 1. None o fth ef u n dsma dea v a il a b le in this title shall bee xp ended fo r pa y ments under a c ost - plus-a-fixed-fee contract for construction ,w here cost estimates exceed $25 ,000, to be per- formed within the U nited States, except Alas k a, without the specific approval in writin g of the Secretary of D efense setting forth the reasons therefor. SEC. 102. F unds made available in this title for construction shall be available for hire of passenger motor vehicles. SEC. 10 3 . Funds made available in this title for construction may be used for advances to the Federal H ighway Administration, Department of T ransportation, for the construction of access roads as authori z ed by section 210 of title 23, United States C ode, when pro j ects authorized therein are certified as important to the national defense by the Secretary of Defense. SEC. 10 4 . None of the funds made available in this title may be used to begin construction of new bases in the United States for which specific appropriations have not been made. SEC. 105. None of the funds made available in this title shall be used for purchase of land or land easements in excess of 100 percent of the value as determined by the Army Corps of E ngineers or the Naval Facilities Engineering Command, except


1 ) where there is a determination of value by a Federal court

(2) purchases negotiated by the Attorney G eneral or the designee of the Attorney General; (3) where the estimated value is less than $25,000; or (4) as otherwise determined by the Secretary of Defense to be in the public interest. SEC. 10 6 . None of the funds made available in this title shall be used to: (1) ac q uire land; (2) provide for site preparation; or (3) install utilities for any family housing, except housing for which funds have been made available in annual Acts making appropria- tions for military construction. SEC. 10 7 . None of the funds made available in this title for minor construction may be used to transfer or relocate any activity from one base or installation to another, without prior notification to the Committees on Appropriations of both Houses of Congress. SEC. 10 8 . None of the funds made available in this title may be used for the procurement of steel for any construction project or activity for which American steel producers, fabricators, and manufacturers have been denied the opportunity to compete for such steel procurement. SEC. 10 9 . None of the funds available to the Department of Defense for military construction or family housing during the current fiscal year may be used to pay real property taxes in any foreign nation. SEC. 110. None of the funds made available in this title may be used to initiate a new installation overseas without prior notifica- tion to the Committees on Appropriations of both Houses of Con- gress. SEC. 111. None of the funds made available in this title may be obligated for architect and engineer contracts estimated by the Government to exceed $500,000 for projects to be accomplished in J apan, in any North Atlantic Treaty O rganization member country, or in countries bordering the Arabian Sea, unless such contracts are awarded to United States firms or United States firms in joint venture with host nation firms. Contrac t s.J a p an. N ot if ication. Notification. Contracts.