12 2 STA T .3760PUBLIC LA W 110 – 3 4 2 —O CT. 3 , 200 8andproces ses withf edera l l y reco g ni z ed T ri b es designed to facilitate on - going scientific and technical interaction and data e x change regarding m atters falling within the scope of this C ompact . This may incl u de participation of tribal representati v es on advisory committees established under this Compact or such other processes that are mutually-agreed upon with federally recognized Tribes individually or through duly-authorized intertribal agencies or bodies. ‘ ‘ ARTICLE6 ‘‘ PUB LIC PARTICIPATI ON ‘‘ Section 6 .1 . M eetin gs, P ubl ic H e ar ings an d Records. ‘ ‘ 1 . The P arties recognize the importance and necessity of public participation in promoting management of the W ater R esources of the B asin. Conse q uently , all meetings of the Council shall be open to the public, except with respect to issues of personnel. ‘‘ 2 . The minutes of the Council shall be a public record open to inspection at its offices during regular business hours. ‘‘Section 6. 2 . Public Partici p ation. ‘‘ I t is the intent of the Council to conduct public participation processes concurrently and j ointly with processes underta k en by the Parties and through Regional Review. To ensure adequate public participation, each Party or the Council shall ensure procedures for the review of Proposals subject to the S tandard of Review and D ecision consistent with the following requirements
‘‘1. Provide public notification of receipt of all A pplications and a reasonable opportunity for the public to submit comments before Applications are acted upon. ‘‘2. Assure public accessibility to all documents relevant to an Application, including public comment received. ‘‘ 3 . Provide guidance on standards for determining whether to conduct a public meeting or hearing for an Application, time and place of such a meeting ( s ) or hearing(s), and proce- dures for conducting of the same. ‘‘ 4 . Provide the record of decision for public inspection including comments, objections, responses and approvals, approvals with conditions and disapprovals. ‘‘ARTICLE 7 ‘‘ D ISPUTE RESOLUTION AND EN F ORCEMENT ‘‘Section 7.1. G ood Fait h I m plementation. ‘‘ E ach of the Parties pledges to support implementation of all provisions of this Compact, and covenants that its officers and agencies shall not hinder, impair, or prevent any other Party car- rying out any provision of this Compact. ‘‘Section 7.2. Alternati v e Dispute Resolution. ‘‘1. Desiring that this Compact be carried out in full, the Parties agree that disputes between the Parties regarding interpretation, application and implementation of this Compact shall be settled by alternative dispute resolution. Records.Gui d an ce. N o t i f ication.