Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4094

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12 2 STA T .407 1 PUBLIC LA W 110 –3 7 8—O CT. 8 , 2008 ‘ ‘ (i i )compreh e ns i v e a n d a f forda bl e heal t h ins u r - ance and health services

and ‘‘(iii) incomes , public benefits, supportive services, and connections to carin g adults; and ‘‘( 2 ) such other information as the S ecretar y determines, in consultation w ith States, units of local government, and national nongovernmental organi z ations concerned with homelessness, may be useful . ‘‘(c) IMPLE ME NTA T IO N. — If the Secretary enters into any contract with a non- F ederal entity for purposes of carrying out subsection (a), such entity shall be a nongovernmental organization, or an individual, determined by the Secretary to have appropriate e x per- tise in q uantitative and qualitative social science research. ’ ’. SEC.7 .SE XUAL A B USE PR E V E NTIO N PRO G RA M . Section 351 (b) of the R unaway and H omeless Y outh A ct( 4 2 U .S. C .5 7 14 – 41(b)) is amended by inserting ‘‘public and’’ after ‘‘pri- ority to’’. SEC. 8 . PER F ORMANCE STAN D ARDS. P art F of the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act (42 U.S.C. 5714a et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 3 86 the fol- lowing

‘SEC. 3 8 6 A. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. ‘‘(a) ES TA B LIS H MENT O F PE R FORMAN C E STAN D ARDS.— N ot later than 1 year after the date of enactment of the Reconnecting Home- less Youth Act of 2 0 08, the Secretary shall issue rules that specify performance standards for public and nonprofit private entities and agencies that receive grants under sections 311, 321, and 351. ‘‘(b) CONS U LTATION.— T he Secretary shall consult with rep- resentatives of public and nonprofit private entities and agencies that receive grants under this title, including statewide and regional nonprofit organizations (including combinations of such organiza- tions) that receive grants under this title, and national nonprofit organizations concerned with youth homelessness, in developing the performance standards required by subsection (a). ‘‘(c) IMPLEMENTATION OF PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.—The Sec- retary shall integrate the performance standards into the processes of the D epartment of Health and Human Services for grantma k ing, monitoring, and evaluation for programs under sections 311, 321, and 351.’’. SEC. 9 . GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILIT Y OFFICE STUDY AND REPORT. (a) STUD Y .— (1) IN G ENERAL.—The Comptroller G eneral of the United States shall conduct a study, including making findings and recommendations, relating to the processes for making grants under parts A, B , and E of the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act (42 U.S.C. 5711 et seq., 5714–1 et seq., 5714–41). (2) SUB J ECTS.—In particular, the Comptroller General shall study— (A) the Secretary’s written responses to and other communications with applicants who do not receive grants under part A, B, or E of such Act, to determine if the information provided in the responses and communications is conveyed clearly; Deadlin e .R e gu la t i o n s . 42USC573 2 –1 .