Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/414

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12 2 STA T .39 1 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 (3)Anyactio n s to assist t heG o v e r n m ent o f Af g hanistan achieve the fo l lo w ing goals , an d the res u lts of such actions

(A) B uild and sustain effective Afghan security institu - tions with fully-ca p a b le leadership and staff, including a reformed M inistry of I nterior, a fully-established Ministry of D efense, and logistics, intelligence, medical, and recruiting units (hereafter in this section referred to as ‘ ‘A NSF -sustaining institutions ’ ’) . (B) T rain and e q uip fully-capable ANSF that are capable of conducting operations independently and in sufficient numbers. ( C ) E stablish strong ANSF-readiness assessment tools and metrics. (D) Build and sustain strong, professional ANSF offi- cers at the j unior-, mid-, and senior-levels. (E) Develop strong ANSF communication and control between central command and regions, provinces, and dis- tricts. (F) Establish a robust mentoring and advising pro- gram, and a strong professional military training and edu- cation program, for all ANSF officials. (G) Establish effective merit-based salary, ran k , pro- motion, and incentive structures for the ANSF. ( H ) Develop mechanisms for incorporating lessons learned and best practices into ANSF operations. (I) Establish an ANSF personnel accountability system with effective internal discipline procedures and mecha- nisms, and a system for addressing ANSF personnel com- plaints. ( J ) Ensure effective ANSF oversight mechanisms, including a strong record-keeping system to track ANSF equipment and personnel. ( 4 ) Coordination with all relevant departments and agen- cies of the Government of the U nited States, as well as NAT O ISAF countries and other international partners, including on — (A) funding

(B) reform and establishment of ANSF-sustaining institutions; and (C) efforts to ensure that progress on sustaining the ANSF is reinforced with progress in other pillars of the Afghan security sector, particularly progress on building an effective judiciary, curbing production and trafficking of illicit narcotics, and demobili z ing, disarming, and reinte- grating militia fighters. (d) A P P RO PR IATE CO NG RE S SIONA L CO M MITTEES DE F INE D .—In this section, the term ‘‘appropriate congressional committees’’ means— ( 1 ) the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Appropriations, and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of R epresentatives; and ( 2 ) the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Appropriations, and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate.