Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4172

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12 2 STA T .4 14 9PUBLIC LA W 11 0–38 9 —O CT. 10 , 2008 includ in gef f orts rel a ting to t h euseofa p pro v ed te m plates for such e x aminations and of reports on such examinations that are b ased on such templates prepared in an easil y- readable format .(2)A n assessment of the current personnel re q uirements of the V eterans B enefits Administration , including an assess- ment of the adequacy of the number of personnel assigned to each regional office of the Administration for each type of claim ad j udication position. ( 3 ) A description of the differences, if any, in current pat- terns of claims submitted to the S ecretary of Veterans Affairs regarding ratings for service-connected disabilities among var- ious populations of veterans, including veterans living in rural and highly rural areas, minority veterans, veterans w ho served in the N ational G uard or R eserve, and veterans who are retired from the Armed F orces, and a description and assessment of efforts underta k en to reduce such differences. SEC.105 .E XT E N S IO NO F TE MP O RA R Y A U T H ORITY FOR THE PERFORM - ANCE OF ME D ICA L DISA B ILITY EXAMINATIONS BY CON- TRACT PHYSICIANS. Section 704 (c) of the Veterans Benefits Act of 2003 ( P ublic L aw 1 0 8– 183

117 Stat. 2 65 1; 38 U .S. C . 5101 note) is amended by striking ‘ ‘ D ecember 31, 200 9’ ’ and inserting ‘‘December 31, 2010’’. SEC. 10 6 . ADDITION OF OSTEOPOROSIS TO DISABILITIES PRESUMED TO BE SER V ICE-CONNECTED IN FORMER PRISONERS OF W AR WITH POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER. Section 1112(b)(2) is amended by adding at the end the fol- lowing new subparagraph

‘‘(F) O steoporosis, if the Secretary determines that the vet- eran has post-traumatic stress disorder (P T SD).’’. TI T LE II —MOD E RN I ZA TION O F DE P ART - MENT OF V ETERAN S AFFAIRS DIS- A B ILIT YC OMPENSATION SYSTEM S ubti t le A—Be n e f it s M a tte r s SEC. 2 11. AUTHORITY FOR TEMPORARY DISABILITY RATIN G S. (a) IN G E NE RAL . — Chapter 11 is amended by inserting after section 1155 the following new section: ‘ ‘ §1 1 56.Tempora r ydis a b i l i t y rati ng s ‘‘(a) A S S IG N M EN TOF TEM P ORAR Y RATINGS.—(1) For the purpose of providing disability compensation under this chapter to veterans, the Secretary shall assign a temporary disability rating to a veteran as follows: ‘‘(A) To a veteran who— ‘‘(i) was discharged or released from active duty not more than 365 days before the date such veteran submits a claim for disability compensation under this chapter; ‘‘(ii) has one or more disabilities for which a rating of total is not immediately assignable— 38USC1 11 2.