Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4202

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12 2 STA T .4 1 79PUBLIC LA W 11 0–38 9 —O CT. 10 , 2008 ‘ ‘ (4)Theto t alnumb e r o fdisp ositions b y ea c hofthefol - lo w in g: ‘‘( A ) The C ourt as a whole . ‘‘( B ) The Cler k of the Court. ‘‘(C) A single j udge of the Court. ‘‘( D ) A multi-judge panel of the Court. ‘‘( E ) The full Court. ‘‘( 5 ) The number of each type of disposition by the Court , including settlement, affirmation, remand, v acation, dismissal, reversal, grant, and denial. ‘‘( 6 ) The median time from filing an appeal to disposition by each of the following: ‘‘(A) The Court as a whole. ‘‘(B) The Clerk of the Court. ‘‘(C) A single judge of the Court. ‘‘(D) M ultiple judges of the Court (including a multi- judge panel of the Court or the full Court). ‘‘( 7 ) The median time from filing a petition to disposition by the Court. ‘‘( 8 ) The median time from filing an application under section 2 4 1 2 of title 28 to disposition by the Court. ‘‘( 9 ) The median time from the completion of briefing re q uirements by the parties to disposition by the Court. ‘‘(1 0 ) The number of oral arguments before the Court. ‘‘(11) The number of cases appealed to the U nited S tates Court of Appeals for the F ederal Circuit. ‘‘(12) The number and status of appeals and petitions pending with the Court and of applications described in para- graph ( 3 ) as of the end of such fiscal year. ‘‘(13) The number of cases pending with the Court more than 18 months as of the end of such fiscal year. ‘‘(14) A summary of any service performed for the Court by a recalled retired judge of the Court. ‘‘(15) An assessment of the workload of each judge of the Court, including consideration of the following: ‘‘(A) The time required of each judge for disposition of each type of case. ‘‘(B) The number of cases reviewed by the Court. ‘‘(C) The average workload of other Federal judges. ‘‘(c) A P P RO PR IATE CO M MITTEE S O F CO NG RESS DEFINE D . —I n this section, the term ‘appropriate committees of Congress ’ means— ‘‘(1) the Committee on V eterans’ Affairs of the Senate

and ‘‘(2) the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs of the H ouse of R epresentatives.’’. (b) C L ERI C AL AMENDMENT.—The table of sections at the begin- ning of chapter 72 is amended by inserting after the item related to section 7287 the following new item: ‘ ‘ 728 8 .An n ualrepo r t . ’ ’. SEC.605 . AD D IT I ON A L DISC R ETION IN I MP OSITION O F PRACTICE AND RE G ISTRATION FEES. Section 7285(a) is amended— (1) in the first sentence, by inserting ‘‘reasonable’’ after ‘‘impose a’’; (2) in the second sentence, by striking ‘‘, e x cept that such amount may not exceed $ 30 per year’’; and 38USC72 8 5.