Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4204

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12 2 STA T .4 1 8 1 PUBLIC LA W 11 0–3 8 9—O CT. 10 , 2008 (3)Topr o videt r a i n in g and su pport to nationa l and lo c al organi z ations to provide P aral ym pic sports training to disa b led veterans and disabled members o f t h e A rmed F orces in their o w n communities . ( 4 ) To provide support to the U nited S tates Paralympics ,I nc., to increase the participation of disabled veterans and disabled members of the Armed Forces in sports. SEC.702 . D E PARTM E N T OFV ETERANS AFFA I RS PROVISION OF ASSIST - ANCE TO U NITED STATES PARA LY MPICS , INC. (a) P ROVIS IO N O F ASSIS TA N CE A U T H ORI Z E D . — Subchapter II of chapter 5 is amended by inserting after section 5 21 the following new section

‘ §521A. A s s i s tanceforU nite dS tates P ara lymp ics ,I nc. ‘ ‘(a) AUTHORIZATION TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE.—The Secretary may award grants to the United States Paralympics, Inc., to plan, develop, manage, and implement an integrated adaptive sports program for disabled veterans and disabled members of the Armed Forces. ‘‘(b) O VERSI G HT BY SECRETARY.—As a condition of receiving a grant under this section, the United States Paralympics, Inc., shall permit the Secretary to conduct such oversight of the use of grant funds as the Secretary determines is appropriate. The United States Paralympics, Inc., shall be responsible for the use of grant funds provided under this section. ‘‘(c) A P P L ICATION R E Q UIRE M ENT.—(1) B efore the Secretary may award a grant to the United States Paralympics, Inc., under this section, the United States Paralympics, Inc., shall submit to the Secretary an application that describes the activities to be carried out with the grant, including information on specific measurable goals and ob j ectives to be achieved using grant funds. ‘‘(2) The application shall include— ‘‘(A) a detailed description of all partnerships referred to in paragraph (3) at the national and local levels that will be participating in such activities and the amount of grant funds that the United States Paralympics, Inc., proposes to ma k e available for each of such partnerships

and ‘‘(B) for any fiscal year for which a grant is sought, the amount of private donations received by the United States Paralympics, Inc., e x pected to be expended to support oper - ations during that fiscal year. ‘‘(3) Partnerships referred to in this paragraph are agreements between the United States Paralympics, Inc., and organizations with significant experience in the training and support of disabled athletes and the promotion of disabled sports at the local and national levels. Such organizations may include D isabled Sports USA, Blaze Sports, Paralyzed V eterans of America, and Disabled American Veterans. The agreements shall detail the scope of activi- ties and funding to be provided by the United States Paralympics, Inc., to the partner. ‘‘(d) USE OF FUNDS.—(1) The United States Paralympics, Inc., with the assistance and cooperation of the Secretary and the heads of other appropriate Federal and State departments and agencies and partnerships referred to in subsection (c)(3), shall use a grant under this section to reimburse grantees with which the United States Paralympics, Inc., has entered into a partnership under Grants.