Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4289

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12 2 STA T .4 2 6 6 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 40 3—O CT. 13 , 200 8theBur e a u ofIn ternat i ona lN ar c otic sL a wE nforce m ent .(V I )T he D e p artment of H omelan dS ecurit y,U nited States C ustoms and Border P rotection, and United States Immi g ration and Customs Enforce - ment. (VII) The F ood and Drug A dministration of the Department of Health and Human Ser v ices. (VIII) The Department of Agriculture. (I X ) Any such other agencies as the President determines to b e substantially involved in the efforts of the Federal G overnment to combat counterfeiting and infringement. (ii) The R egister of Copyrights, or a senior rep- resentative of the United States Copyright O ffice appointed by the Register of Copyrights. (B) F UNCTIO N S . — The advisory committee established under subparagraph (A) shall develop the J oint Strategic Plan against counterfeiting and infringement under section 30 3. SEC.302 . D E FIN I T I O N. For purposes of this title, the term ‘ ‘intellectual property enforcement ’ ’ means matters relating to the enforcement of laws protecting copyrights, patents, trademar k s, other forms of intellec- tual property, and trade secrets, both in the United States and abroad, including in particular matters relating to combating counterfeit and infringing goods. SEC. 303. J OINT ST RA TE G IC PL AN. (a) PU RP OS E .—The ob j ectives of the Joint Strategic Plan against counterfeiting and infringement that is referred to in section 30 1 (b)(1)(B) (in this section referred to as the ‘‘joint strategic plan’’) are the following

(1) Reducing counterfeit and infringing goods in the domestic and international supply chain. ( 2 ) Identifying and addressing structural weaknesses, sys- temic flaws, or other unjustified impediments to effective enforcement action against the financing, production, traf- ficking, or sale of counterfeit or infringing goods, including identifying duplicative efforts to enforce, investigate, and pros- ecute intellectual property crimes across the Federal agencies and Departments that comprise the Advisory Committee and recommending how such duplicative efforts may be minimi z ed. Such recommendations may include recommendations on how to reduce duplication in personnel, materials, technologies, and facilities utilized by the agencies and Departments responsible for the enforcement, investigation, or prosecution of intellectual property crimes. (3) Ensuring that information is identified and shared among the relevant departments and agencies, to the e x tent permitted by law, including re q uirements relating to confiden- tiality and privacy, and to the extent that such sharing of information is consistent with Department of Justice and other law enforcement protocols for handling such information, to aid in the objective of arresting and prosecuting individuals and entities that are knowingly involved in the financing, production, trafficking, or sale of counterfeit or infringing goods. 15USC8 11 3. 15 USC 811 2 . S tra t egicpl a n .