Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/437

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12 2 STA T .4 14 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 (D)includework wi th the R u s si a n F ederation and other countries to esta b lish stron gCT R p artnerships that , a m ong other things — (i) increase the role o f scientists and go v ernment officials of CTR partner countries in designing CTR programs and pro j ects

and (ii) increase financial contributions and additional commitments to CTR programs and projects from Russia and other partner countries, as appropriate, as evidence that the programs and projects reflect national priorities and will be sustainable; ( E ) include broader international cooperation and part - nerships, and increased international contributions; (F) incorporate a strong focus on national programs and sustainabilit y , which includes actions to address con- cerns raised and recommendations made by the G overn- ment A ccountability O ffice, in its report of February 20 0 7 titled ‘ ‘ P rogress M ade in I mproving S ecurity at Russian N uclear Sites, but the L ong-Term Sustainability of U. S. Funded Security Upgrades is Uncertain ’ ’, which pertain to the Department of Defense; (G) continue to focus on the development of CTR pro- grams and projects that secure nuclear weapons; secure and eliminate chemical and biological weapons and weapons-related materials; and eliminate nuclear, chem- ical, and biological weapons-related delivery vehicles and infrastructure at the source; and ( H ) include efforts to develop new CTR programs and projects in Russia and the former Soviet Union, and in countries and regions outside the former Soviet Union, as appropriate and in the interest of United States national security; and ( 3 ) such new initiatives could include— (A) programs and projects in Asia and the Middle East; and ( B ) activities relating to the denucleari z ation of the Democratic People’s Republic of K orea. (b) N ATION A L A C A DEMY O F SCIENCE S ST U DY.— ( 1 ) STUDY.—Not later than 6 0 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall enter into an arrangement with the National Academy of Sciences under which the Academy shall carry out a study to analyze options for strengthening and e x panding the CTR Program. (2) MATTE R STO B E INCLUDED IN STUDY.—The Secretary shall provide for the study under paragraph (1) to include— (A) an assessment of new CTR initiatives described in subsection (a); and (B) an identification of options and recommendations for strengthening and expanding the CTR Program. (3) SUBMISSION OF NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES RE P ORT.—The National Academy of Sciences shall submit to Congress a report on the study under this subsection at the same time that such report is submitted to the Secretary of Defense pursuant to subsection (c). (c) SECRETARY OF DEFENSE REPORT.— (1) IN G ENERAL.—Not later than 9 0 days after receipt of the report under subsection (b), the Secretary of Defense shall Deadlin e .