Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4494

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12 2 STA T .4 4 7 1 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 417 —O CT. 14 , 200 8(c)IMPLE ME NTA T IO N .— ( 1 ) P LAN F O R IMPLEMENTATION.— Notla t er t h a n90d a ys a f ter the date of the enact m ent of th i s A ct , the S ecretary of D efense shall s ub mit to the con g ressional defense committees a p lan to pro v ide for the implementation of the database re q uired by subsection (a). ( 2 ) R ELATION TO D EFEN S EIN C IDENT -B ASED REPORTIN G S Y STEM.—Not later than 1 8 0 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the C ommittees on Armed Services of the Senate and H ouse of Representatives a report containing— (A) a description of the current status of the Defense Incident- B ased Reporting System

and (B)ane x planation of ho w the Defense Incident-Based Reporting System will relate to the database required by subsection (a). ( 3 ) COMPLETION.—Not later than 1 5 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall complete implementation of the database required by subsection (a). (d) REPORTS.— T he database required by subsection (a) shall be used to develop and implement congressional reports, as required by— (1) section 5 7 7(f) of the Ronald W . Reagan National Defense Authori z ation Act for F iscal Y ear 2005 (Public L aw 108 – 375); (2) section 59 6 (c) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (Public Law 109–163); (3) section 532 of the J ohn Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (Public Law 109–36 4 ); and (4) sections 4361, 6980, and 9361 of title 10, U nited States Code. (e) TERMINOLOGY.—Section 577(b) of the Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 (Public Law 108–375) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph

‘(12) The Secretary shall implement clear, consistent, and streamlined sexual assault terminology for use throughout the Department of Defense. ’ ’. Subti t leH—D e cora tio ns,Aw ar d s, and Honorar yP ro m otions SEC.571 . R E PLA CE M E NTOF M I LITAR YD ECORATIONS. (a) REPLACEMENT RE QU IRED.—Chapter 57 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new section: ‘ ‘ §1 1 35.Replac e m e ntof m i lita ryd ecoration s ‘‘(a) REPLACEMENT.—In addition to other authorities available to the Secretary concerned to replace a military decoration, the Secretary concerned shall replace, on a one-time basis and without charge, a military decoration upon the request of the recipient of the military decoration or the immediate next of k in of a deceased recipient. ‘‘(b) M ILITARY DECORATION DEFINED.—In this section, the term ‘decoration’ means any decoration or award (other than the medal 10USC 11 3note.D e adli ne s .