Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4513

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12 2 STA T .4 4 90PUBLIC LA W 110 – 41 7—O CT. 14 , 200 8Authoriza tio n A c t f or F i s ca lYe ar 20 0 8(P u b lic L a w1 10 – 181

122 S tat . 1 69), the followin g health p rofessions are d esignated as a criticall y short warti m e specialty under subsection (a)(2) of such section

(A) Psychologists who ha v e been awarded a diploma asa D iplomate in Psychology by the American B oard of Professional Psychology and are fully licensed and such other mental health practitioners as the Secretary con - cerned determines to be necessary. (B) R egistered nurses. (2) S PECIAL A GR EE M E NT A U T HO RIT Y . —U nder the authority provided by this section, the Secretary concerned may enter into an agreement under subsection (f) of section 3 3 5 of title 3 7 , United States C ode, to pay a health professions bonus under such section to a person who accepts a commission or appointment as an officer and whose health profession specialty is specified in paragraph (1) of this subsection. (3) SECRETARY CONCERNE D DE F INED.— I n this subsection, the term ‘ ‘Secretary concerned ’ ’ has the meaning given that term in section 101(5) of title 37, United States Code. ( 4 ) E FFECTI V E PERIOD.— T he designations made by this sub- section and the authority to enter into an agreement under paragraph (2) of this subsection e x pire on September 30, 2010. (b) ACCE S SION AND RETENTION BONUSES FOR PSYCHOLOGISTS.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 5 of title 37, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 302c the following new section: ‘ ‘ §302c-1.Spe c ial pa y: acce s si on an dr e t ention b on u ses f or psyc h olo g ists ‘‘(a) ACCESSION BONUS.— ‘‘(1) ACCESSION B ONUS AUTHORI Z ED.—A person described in paragraph (2) who executes a written agreement described in subsection (d) to accept a commission as an officer of the armed forces and remain on active duty for a period of not less than four consecutive years may, upon acceptance of the agreement by the Secretary concerned, be paid an accession bonus in an amount, sub j ect to subsection (c)(1), determined by the Secretary concerned. ‘‘(2) ELIGIBLE PERSONS.—A person described in paragraph (1) is any person who— ‘‘(A) is a graduate of an accredited school of psychology; and ‘‘(B) holds a valid State license to practice as a doctoral level psychologist. ‘‘(3) LIMITATION ON ELIGIBILITY.—A person may not be paid a bonus under this subsection if— ‘‘(A) the person, in exchange for an agreement to accept an appointment as an officer, received financial assistance from the Department of Defense to pursue a course of study in psychology; or ‘‘(B) the Secretary concerned determines that the per- son is not q ualified to become and remain certified as a psychologist. ‘‘(b) M ULTIYEAR RETENTION BONUS.— ‘‘(1) RETENTION BONUS AUTHORIZED.—An officer described in paragraph (2) who executes a written agreement described Expirat i ond at e.