Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4534

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12 2 STA T .45 11 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 41 7—O CT. 14 , 200 8SEC.732 . IN C R E A SEINCA PO NE XT EN D ED B ENE F ITS U NDER EXTENDED H EA L TH CARE OPTION ( ECHO ) . Section1079(f) of tit l e10 ,U nite d St a te sC odeisa m ended — (1) in p a r a g rap h ( 2 )( A ), by stri k ing ‘ ‘month shall not e x ceed $ 2, 5 00, ’ ’ and inserting ‘‘year shall not exceed $ 36 ,000, prorated as determined by the Secretary of D efense,’’

and (2) in paragraph (2)( B ), by striking ‘‘month’’ and inserting ‘‘year . ’’. SEC. 733. DEPART M ENT OF DEFENSE TAS K FORCE ON THE PRE V EN - TION OF SUICIDE B Y MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES. (a) REQUIR E M E NT T OES T ABL IS H .— T he Secretary of Defense shall establish w ithin the Department of Defense a task force to examine matters relating to pre v ention of s u icide by members of the Armed F orces. (b) COM P OSITION.— (1) M EMBERS.—The task force shall consist of not more than 1 4 members appointed by the Secretary of Defense from among individuals described in paragraph (2) who have dem - onstrated expertise in the area of suicide prevention and response. (2) RAN G EO F MEMBERS.—The individuals appointed to the task force shall include— (A) at least one member of each of the Army, N avy, Air Force, and Marine Corps; (B) a number of persons from outside the Department of Defense e q ual to the total number of personnel from within the Department of Defense (whether members of the Armed Forces or civilian personnel) who are appointed to the task force; (C) persons who have experience in— (i) national suicide prevention policy; (ii) military personnel policy; (iii) research in the field of suicide prevention; (iv) clinical care in mental health; or (v) military chaplaincy or pastoral care; and (D) at least one family member of a member of the Armed Forces who has experience working with military families. (3) I N D I V IDUALS APPOINTED OUTSIDE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE.—Individuals appointed to the task force from outside the Department of Defense may include officers or employees of other departments or agencies of the Federal G overnment, officers or employees of State and local governments, or individ- uals from the private sector. (4) DEADLINE FOR APPOINTMENT.—All appointments of individuals to the task force shall be made not later than 1 8 0 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. (5) CO- C HAIRS OF TAS K FORCE.—There shall be two co- chairs of the task force. O ne of the co-chairs shall be designated by the Secretary of the Defense at the time of appointment from among the Department of Defense personnel appointed to the task force. The other co-chair shall be selected from among the members appointed from outside the Department of Defense by members so appointed. (c) ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON SUICIDE P REVEN- TION POLIC Y .—