Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/46

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12 2 STA T . 2 3PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 TI T LEX XXI V—NA VAL P ET RO LE UM RE S ERVES S ec.3401 . A uthoriza tio n o f a p propriation s . Sec. 340 2 . Re m e d ia l action at Moa b uranium millin g site. TITLE XXXV—MARITIME A D MINISTRATION Subtitle A—Maritime Administration Reauthorization Sec. 3 5 01. Authorization of appropriations for fiscal y ear 200 8 . Sec. 3502. Temporary authority to transfer obsolete combatant v essels to Navy for disposal. Sec. 3503. Vessel disposal program. Subtitle B —Programs Sec. 3511. C ommercial vessel chartering authority. Sec. 3512. Maritime Administration vessel chartering authority. Sec. 3513. Chartering to State and local governmental instrumentalities. Sec. 3514. Disposal of obsolete G overnment vessels. Sec. 3515. Vessel transfer authority. Sec. 351 6 . Sea trials for Ready Reserve F orce. Sec. 351 7 . Revie w of applications for loans and guarantees. Subtitle C—Technical Corrections Sec. 3521. Personal in j ury to or death of seamen. Sec. 3522. Amendments to Chapter 537 based on Public Law 10 9– 163. Sec. 3523. Additional amendments based on Public Law 109–163. Sec. 3524. Amendments based on Public Law 109–171. Sec. 3525. Amendments based on Public Law 109–241. Sec. 3526. Amendments based on Public Law 109–364. Sec. 3527. Miscellaneous amendments. Sec. 3528. Application of sunset provision to codified provision. Sec. 3529. Additional technical corrections. SEC.3 .C ONGR ESS I ON ALD E F ENSE CO M MI T TEES. Forpu rpo se so fthi s Ac t , the ter m‘ ‘co ng ression ald efense committees ’ ’ has the meaning gi v en that term in section 10 1 ( a ) (1 6 ) of title 10, U nited S tates C ode .DIV I S I ONA— D EP A RTM ENT O F DEFENSE A U T H ORI Z ATIONS TIT L E I—PRO C UREMENT Subtitle A—Authorization of Appropriations Sec. 101. Army. Sec. 102. Navy and Marine Corps. Sec. 103. Air Force. Sec. 104. Defense - wide activities. Sec. 105. National Guard and Reserve e q uipment. Subtitle B—Army Programs Sec. 111. Multiyear procurement authority for M1A2 Abrams System Enhancement Pac k age upgrades. Sec. 112. Multiyear procurement authority for M2A3 / M3A3 Bradley fighting vehicle upgrades. Sec. 113. Multiyear procurement authority for conversion of C H -47D helicopters to CH-47F configuration. Sec. 114. Multiyear procurement authority for CH-47F helicopters. Sec. 115. Limitation on use of funds for Increment 1 of the W arfighter Information Network-Tactical program pending certification to Congress. Sec. 116. Prohibition on closure of Army Tactical Missile System production line pending report. Sec. 117. Stryker Mobile Gun System. Subtitle C—Navy Programs Sec. 121. Multiyear procurement authority for Virginia-class submarine program. 10USC 101 note.