Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4611

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12 2 STA T .458 8 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 41 7—O CT. 14 , 2008 (2)Therol e sandmi ssions o ft he D e p artment of Defense ins u pport of the o v erall U nited S tates c ounter - narcotics polic y for A frica . ( 3 ) The priorities for the Department of Defense to meet pro g rammatic o bj ectives one-year , three-years, and five-years after the end of fiscal year 2 0 0 9 , including a description of the e x pected allocation of resources of the Department of Defense to accomplish these priorities. ( 4 ) The efforts of the Secretary of Defense to coordinate the Department of Defense counter-narcotics activities in Africa w ith Department of Defense building capacity programs, including programs carried out under the authority of the Sec- retary under section 1 20 6 of the N ational Defense Authori z ation Act for F iscal Y ear 2006 ( P ublic L aw 109-163

119 Stat. 34 5 6). (5) The efforts to coordinate the counter-narcotics activities of the Department of Defense with the counter-narcotics activi- ties of the governments eligible to receive support under section 1033 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 199 8 (Public Law 105 – 85; 111 Stat. 1881) and the counter- narcotics activities in Africa of E uropean countries and other international and regional partners. (c) P LANS . — The comprehensive strategy shall also include the following plans

(1) A detailed and comprehensive plan to utilize the capabilities and assets of the combatant commands that geo- graphically surround the United States Africa C ommand for the counter-narcotics efforts and activities of the United States Africa Command on a temporary basis until the United States Africa Command develops its own commensurate capabilities and assets, including in the plan a description of what measures will be ta k en to effectuate the transition of the missions. (2) A detailed and comprehensive plan to enhance coopera- tion with certain African countries, which are often geographi- cally contiguous to other African countries that have a signifi- cant narcotics-trafficking challenges, to increase the effective- ness of the counter-narcotics activities of the Department of Defense and its international and regional partners. SEC.1026 . C OMPR E H E N S IV E D EP A R T MENT O F DEFENSE STRATE GY FOR CO U NTER - NARCOTICS EFFORTS IN SOUTH AND CEN- TRA L ASIAN REGIONS. (a) REPORT RE QUI RE D .—Not later than J une 30, 2009, the Sec- retary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense commit- tees a comprehensive strategy of the Department of the Defense with regard to counter-narcotics efforts in the South and Central Asian regions, including the countries of Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, K yrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, and I ndia, as well as the countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and China. (b) M ATTERS TO B EIN C LUDED.—The comprehensive strategy shall consist of a general overview and a separate detailed section for each of the following: (1) The roles and missions of the Department of Defense in support of the overall United States counter-narcotics policy for countries of the South and Central Asian regions and the other countries specified in subsection (a). (2) The priorities for the Department of Defense to meet programmatic objectives for fiscal year 2010, including a