12 2 STA T .4 4 6PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 (13)Procedu re st oe n sure t ha t ,b e f ore the trans mi tta l of records and other information w ith res p ect to a reco v erin g service member under this section, a meeting regarding the transmittal of such records and other information occurs among the service member, appropriate famil y members of the service member, representatives of the S ecretary of the military depart - ment concerned, and representatives of the Secretary of V et- erans A ffairs, with at least 3 0 days advance notice of the meeting being given to the service member unless the service member waives the advance notice re q uirement in order to accelerate transmission of the service member ’ s records and other information to the D epartment of Veterans Affairs . (1 4 ) Procedures to ensure that the Secretary of Veterans Affairs gives appropriate consideration to a written statement submitted to the Secretary by a recovering service member regarding the transition. (1 5 ) Procedures to provide access for the Department of Veterans Affairs to the military health records of recovering service members who are receiving care and treatment, or are anticipating receipt of care and treatment, in Department of Veterans Affairs health care facilities, which procedures shall be consistent with the procedures and requirements in para- graphs (11) and (13). (1 6 ) A process for the utili z ation of a j oint separation and evaluation physical e x amination that meets the require- ments of both the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs in connection with the medical separation or retirement of a recovering service member from military service and for use by the Department of Veterans Affairs in disability evaluations. (1 7 ) Procedures for surveys and other mechanisms to measure patient and family satisfaction with the provision by the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs of care and services for recovering service members, and to facilitate appropriate oversight by supervisory personnel of the provision of such care and services. (1 8 ) Procedures to ensure the participation of recovering service members who are members of the N ational G uard or R eserve in the B enefits Delivery at Discharge Program, including procedures to ensure that, to the maximum extent feasible, services under the Benefits Delivery at Discharge Pro- gram are provided to recovering service members at — (A) appropriate military installations
(B) appropriate armories and military family support centers of the National Guard; ( C ) appropriate military medical care facilities at which members of the Armed F orces are separated or discharged from the Armed Forces; and (D) in the case of a member on the temporary disability retired list under section 1 2 02 or 1205 of title 10, U nited States Code, who is being retired under another provision of such title or is being discharged, at a location reasonably convenient to the member. SEC.16 1 5 . R E PO R T S. (a) R EPORT O N PO LICY .—Upon the development of the policy required by subsection (a) of section 1611 but not later than J uly