Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4762

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12 2 STA T .4739PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 417 —O CT. 14 , 200 8(3)TIMEFORPAY ME NT.—Amounts s hal l bep a y able un d e r para g raph ( 1 ) upon re c e i pt by the D irector o f a notification from the technical representati v e of the contracting officer that construction activities for w hich such amounts are payable under paragraph (1) have been underta k en. To the ma x imum extent practicable consistent with good business practice , the Director shall limit payment of amounts from the account in order to maximi z e the return on investment of amounts in the account. (d) L IMITATION ON C ONTRA C T S .—The S ecretary of the Air F orce may not initiate a contract for the design or construction of a particular portion of the building described in subsection (a) until amounts in the escrow account are sufficient to cover the amount of the contract. SEC.2853 . L E A SE INVO LVIN GP IE R ON F OR D ISLAND , PEARL H AR B OR NAVAL BASE, HA W AII. (a) LEASE.—The Secretary of the N avy shall enter into a lease with the U SS M issouri Memorial Association to authorize the USS Missouri Memorial Association to use the pier Foxtrot Five and related real property on Ford I sland, P earl H arbor Naval B ase, Hawaii, during calendar years 20 0 9 and 2010. (b) CONSI D ERATION.—The lease re q uired by subsection (a) shall be made without consideration. (c) CONDITIONS ON USE OF LEASED PROPERTY.—As conditions on the lease under subsection (a), the USS Missouri Memorial Association shall agree— (1) to preserve and maintain the ex - USS Missouri for edu- cation purposes, historic preservation, and community outreach

(2) that the Navy may use the leased property without charge for purposes that do not interfere with the use of such property by the USS Missouri Memorial Association; and (3) that the Navy may use the ex-USS Missouri for official functions at no cost. (d) E FFECT OF V IO L ATION.—If the Secretary determines at any time that the USS Missouri Memorial Association is not in compli- ance with the conditions imposed by subsection (c), the Secretary may terminate the lease referred to in subsection (a). Any deter- mination of the Secretary under this subsection shall be made on the record after an opportunity for a hearing. SEC. 285 4 . U SE OF RUNWA Y A T NAS J RB WILLOW GROVE, PENNSYL - VANIA. (a) CONDITIONS ON CON V EYANCE, G RANT, LEASE, OR LICENSE.— Any conveyance, grant, lease, or license from the United States to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or other legal entity that includes the airfield property located at NAS JR B W illow Grove and designated for operation as a Joint Interagency Installation pursuant to section 3 7 03 of the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans ’ Care, K atrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007 (Public Law 110 – 2 8

121 Stat. 1

45 ) shall be sub j ect to the restrictions on the use of the airfield set forth in subsection (b). (b) RESTRICTIONS ON USE.—The airfield at the installation shall not be used for any of the following purposes

(1) Commercial passenger operations. (2) Commercial cargo operations.