Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4783

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12 2 STA T .4760PUBLIC LA W 110 – 417 —O CT. 14 , 200 8(1)insub s ect i o n (e) , b y st r i k in g‘ ‘on ap erio d ic basis ’ ’ and inserting ‘‘in eac h e v en - nu m bered year’’

and ( 2 ) in subsection ( f ), by striking paragraph (2) and inserting the fo l lo w ing new paragraph (2)

‘‘(2) T he S ecretary of E nergy shall, in each even-numbered year beginning in 2 0 10, submit to the committees and A ssistant to the P resident specified in subsection (d) a report identifying any inadvertent releases of R estricted D ata or F ormerly Restricted Data under E x ecutive O rder N o . 12 958 discovered in the two- year period preceding the submittal of the report.’’. (b) T ECHNI C ALCOR REC T ION. — Subsection (e) of such section, as amended by subsection (a)(1) of this section, is further amended by striking ‘‘subsection (b)( 4 )’’ and inserting ‘‘subsection (b)(5)’’. TI T LEX XXII —D E F E NS EN UC LE AR FACILITIES SAFET YBO ARD Sec.3201 . Authoriza tio n . SEC.3201 . AUTHORIZ ATIO N . There are authori z ed to be appropriated for fiscal year 2009, $ 25,499,000 for the operation of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety B oard under chapter 21 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U .S.C. 228 6 et se q .). TITLE XXXI V —NAVAL P ETROLEU M RESERVE Sec. 3 4 01. Authorization o f a p propriation s . SEC. 3 4 01. AUTHORIZATION O F A P PROPRIATIONS. (a) A M O U NT.—There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Energy $19,099,000 for fiscal year 2009 for the purpose of carrying out activities under chapter 641 of title 10, United States Code, relating to the naval petroleum reserves. (b) PERIO D O F A V AILA B ILIT Y .—Funds appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in subsection (a) shall remain available until expended. TITLE XXXV—MARITIME ADMINISTRATION Sec. 3 5 01. Authorization of appropriations for fisca ly ear 200 9 . Sec. 3502. L i m itation on e x port of v essels o w ne db y the G overnment of the U nited States for the purpose of dismantlin g, recycling, or scrapping. Sec. 3503. Student incentive payment agreements. Sec. 3504. R iding gang member re q uirements. Sec. 3505. M aintenance and Repair Reimbursement P rogram for the Maritime Se - curity F leet. Sec. 350 6 . T emporary program authorizing contracts with ad j unct professors at the United States Merchant Marine Academy and for other purposes. Sec. 350 7 . Actions to address sexual harassment and violence at the United States Merchant Marine Academy. Sec. 350 8 . Assistance for small shipyards and maritime communities. Sec. 3509. Marine war ris k insurance. Sec. 3510. MarAd consultation on J ones Act W aivers.