Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4785

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12 2 STA T .476 2 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 417 —O CT. 14 , 200 8(2)ther e isnoav ai l a b le c a p acit y in the U nite dS tates to cond u ct the dis m antlin g, recycling, or scrapping o f the vessel

( 3 ) any dismantling, recycling, or scrapping of the vessel in a foreign country w ill be conducted in full compliance with environmental, safety, labor, and health re q uirements for ship dismantling, recycling, or scrapping that are equivalent to the laws of the United States; and ( 4 )thee x port of the vessel under this section will only be for dismantling, recycling, or scrapping of the vessel . (c) U NITED ST A TE SD E F INED. —I n this section the term ‘ ‘United States ’ ’ means the States of the United States, P uerto R ico, and G uam. SEC.350 3.S TUD E N T I NCENTI V E PAYM ENT A GR EEMENTS. Section 51 5 09 (b) of title 4 6 , United States C ode, is amended— (1) by stri k ing ‘‘ $ 4,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$ 8 ,000’’; (2) by inserting ‘‘tuition,’’ after ‘‘uniforms,’’; and (3) by inserting ‘‘before the start of each academic year’’ after ‘‘and be paid’’. SEC. 350 4 . RIDING GANG MEM B ER RE Q UIREMENTS. Section 1018 of the J ohn W arner N ational Defense A uthori z a - tion Act for F iscal Y ear 200 7 (Public L aw 109-364; 120 Stat. 2380) is amended to read as follows

‘SEC. 1 01 8 . RIDING GANG MEMBER REQUIREMENTS. ‘‘(a) IN GENE R A L .— T he Secretary of Defense may not award, renew, extend, or exercise an option to extend any charter of a vessel documented under chapter 121 of title 46, United States Code, for the Department of Defense, or any contract for the carriage of cargo by a vessel documented under that chapter for the Depart- ment of Defense, unless the charter or contract, respectively, includes provisions that— ‘‘(1) sub j ect to paragraph (2), allow riding gang members to perform work on the vessel during the effective period of the charter or contract only under terms, conditions, restric- tions, and requirements as provided in section 8106 of title 46, United States Code; and ‘‘(2) require that riding gang members hold a merchant mariner’s document issued under chapter 73 of title 46, United States Code, or a transportation security card issued under section 70105 of such title. ‘‘(b) EX E MP TI O N.— ‘‘(1) IN G ENERAL.—In accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary of Defense, an individual shall not be treated as a riding gang member for the purposes of section 8106 of title 46, United States Code, and this section if— ‘‘(A) the individual is aboard a vessel that is under charter or contract for the carriage of cargo for the Depart- ment of Defense, for purposes other than engaging in the operation or maintenance of the vessel; and ‘‘( B ) the individual— ‘‘(i) accompanies, supervises, guards, or maintains unit equipment aboard a ship, commonly referred to as supercargo personnel; ‘‘(ii) is one of the force protection personnel of the vessel; ‘‘(iii) is a specialized repair technician; or 10USC24 01 note.