Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4791

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12 2 STA T .4768PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 417 —O CT. 14 , 2008 ‘ ‘ (C)forsuch o t h e r p urposes a s the Admin istrator determines to b e consistent w ith and supp l emental to such acti v ities . ‘‘( 2 )A DMIN I STRA TI VECO STS. —N ot more than 2 percent of amounts made available to carr y out the pro g ram may be used for the necessary costs of grant administration. ‘‘(d) P RO H I B ITED U SES.— G rants awarded under this section may not be used to construct buildings or other physical facilities or to ac q uire land unless such use is specifically approved by the Administrator in support of subsection (c)( 1 )(C). ‘‘(e) M ATCHIN GR E QU IREMENTS

A L LOCATION.— ‘‘(1) F EDERAL F UNDING.— Ex cept as provided in paragraph (2) , Federal funds for any eligible pro j ect under this section shall not exceed 75 percent of the total cost of such project. ‘‘(2) E X CE P TION.— I f the Administrator determines that a proposed project merits support and cannot be underta k en with - out a higher percentage of Federal financial assistance, the Administrator may award a grant for such project with a lesser matching requirement than is described in paragraph (1). ‘‘( 3 ) ALLOCATION OF FUNDS.— T he Administrator may not award more than 25 percent of the funds appropriated to carry out this section for any fiscal year to any small shipyard in one geographic location that has more than 60 0 employees. ‘‘(f) APPLICATIONS.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—To be eligible for assistance under this section, an applicant shall submit an application, in such form, and containing such information and assurances as the Administrator may require, within 60 days after the date of enactment of the appropriations Act for the fiscal year con- cerned. ‘‘(2) MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR PA Y MENT OR REIMBURSE- MENT.—Each application submitted under paragraph (1) shall include— ‘‘(A) a comprehensive description of— ‘‘(i) the need for the project; ‘‘(ii) the methodology for implementing the project; and ‘‘(iii) any existing programs or arrangements that can be used to supplement or leverage assistance under the program. ‘‘(3) PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS.—The Administrator, in con- sultation with the O ffice of the Inspector General, shall issue guidelines to establish appropriate accounting, reporting, and review procedures to ensure that— ‘‘(A) grant funds are used for the purposes for which they were made available; ‘‘( B ) grantees have properly accounted for all expendi- tures of grant funds; and ‘‘(C) grant funds not used for such purposes and amounts not obligated or expended are returned. ‘‘( 4 ) PRO J ECT APPROVAL REQUIRED.—The Administrator may not award a grant under this section unless the Administrator determines that— ‘‘(A) sufficient funding is available to meet the matching requirements of subsection (e); ‘‘(B) the project will be completed without unreasonable delay; and Guidel i n e s.D e a dline.