Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4897

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12 2 STA T .487 4 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 4 3 2 —O CT. 1 6, 2008 ‘ ‘ (1)toam a xi m u mo f3S tat esp e ry ear for d e v e l opme n t or c ontinuance of en h anced pu b lic education and a w areness activities , in combination with tar g eted law enforcement, to significantly reduce violations of traffic laws at highway - rail grade crossings and to help prevent and reduce in j uries and fatalities along railroad rights-of-way

and ‘‘( 2 ) to provide for priority highway-rail grade crossing safety improvements, including the installation, repair, or improvement of — ‘‘( A ) railroad crossing signals, gates, and related tech- nologies, including median barriers and four q uadrant gates; ‘‘( B ) highway traffic signali z ation, including highway signals tied to railroad signal systems; ‘‘( C ) highway lighting and crossing approach signage; ‘‘( D ) roadway improvements, including railroad crossing panels and surfaces; and ‘‘( E ) related wor k to mitigate dangerous conditions .‘ ‘ §2 2 50 2 .Distr i bu ti on ‘‘ T he Secretary shall provide the grants to the State agency or agencies responsible for highway-rail grade crossing safety. ‘‘§ 2250 3 . S t a n d ards f ora w ardin g grants ‘‘(a) S ECTION 22 50 1(1) GRA NT S .—The Secretary shall provide grants under section 22501(1) based upon the merits of the proposed program of activities provided by the State and upon a determina- tion of where the grants will provide the greatest safety benefits. The Secretary may give priority to States that have developed and implemented a State grade crossing action plan, as described under section 202 of the R ail Safety I mprovement Act of 200 8 . ‘‘(b) SECTION 22501(2) GRANTS.—The Secretary shall provide grants to State and local governments under section 22501(2) to provide priority grade crossing safety improvements on an expedited basis at a location where there has been a highway-rail grade crossing collision within the previous two years involving major loss of life or multiple serious bodily injuries. ‘‘§ 2250 4 . U s e of funds ‘‘(a) IN GENERA L .—Any State receiving a grant under section 22501(1) shall use the funds to develop, implement, and continue to measure the effectiveness of a dedicated program of public edu- cation and enforcement of highway-rail crossing safety laws and to prevent casualties along railroad rights-of-way. The Secretary may not make a grant under this chapter available to assist a State or political subdivision thereof in establishing or continuing a quiet zone pursuant to part 222 of title 49 , Code of F ederal Regulations. ‘‘(b) M A X I MU M GRANT AMOUNT U N D ER SECTION 22501(2).— N o grant awarded under section 22501(2) may exceed $ 250,000. ‘‘§ 22505. A ut h ori z ation of a p propriations ‘‘There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary $1,500,000 for each of fiscal years 2010 through 2013 to carry out the provisions of section 22501(1) of this chapter. There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary $1,500,000 for each of fiscal years 2010 through 2013 to carry out the provisions of