Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/49

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12 2 STA T . 2 6PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 Network-Tac t i ca l(WI N-T )P ro g ra mA c qu i s itio nD ecision M emo- ran d um ’ ’ , dated J une 5 , 20 0 7 , and signed by t h e U nder S ecretary o f Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and L ogistics .SEC.1 1 6 . PROHIB I T IO N ONC L OS U REO FA R MY TACTICAL MISSILE SYSTEM PRO D UCTION LINE PENDIN G REPORT. (a) P ROHIB I T IO N . — Amounts a p propriated pursuant to the authori z ation of appropriations in section 1 01(2) for missiles, Army, and in section 1502( 4 ) for missile procurement, Army, and any other appropriated funds a v ailable to the Secretary of the Army may not be used to close the production line for the Army Tactical Missile System program until after the date on which the Secretary of the Army submits to the congressional defense committees a report that contains— (1) the certification of the Secretary that the long range surface-to-surface strike and counter battery mission of the Army can be adequately performed by other Army weapons systems or by other elements of the Armed F orces

and (2) a plan to mitigate any shortfalls in the industrial base that would be created by the closure of the production line. (b) S U B M I S SION O FREP ORT.—The report referred to in sub- section (a) is required not later than April 1, 200 8 . SEC. 11 7 . STRY K ER MOBILE GUN SYSTEM. (a) LIMIT A TION ON A V AI L ABILIT Y OF FUN D S.—None of the amounts authorized to be appropriated by sections 101( 3 ) and 1501(3) for procurement of weapons and tracked combat vehicles for the Army may be obligated or e x pended for purposes of the procurement of the Stryker Mobile G un System until 30 days after the date on which the Secretary of the Army certifies to C ongress that the Stryker Mobile Gun System is operationally effective, suitable, and survivable for its anticipated deployment missions. (b) WAIVER.—The Secretary of Defense may waive the limita- tion in subsection (a) if the Secretary— (1) determines that further procurement of the Stryker Mobile Gun System utilizing amounts referred to in subsection (a) is in the national security interest of the United States notwithstanding the inability of the Secretary of the Army to make the certification required by that subsection; and (2) submits to the Congress, in writing, a notification of the waiver together with a discussion of— (A) the reasons for the determination described in para- graph (1); and ( B ) the actions that will be taken to mitigate any deficiencies that cause the Stryker Mobile Gun System not to be operationally effective, suitable, or survivable, as that case may be, as described in subsection (a). Subti t leC—NavyProg ra ms SEC. 1 2 1. MULTIYEAR PROCUREMENT AUTHORITY FOR V IRGINIA - CLASS SUBMARINE PROGRAM. (a) AUTHORITY.—The Secretary of the Navy may, in accordance with section 230 6 b of title 10, United States Code, enter into multiyear contracts, beginning with the fiscal year 200 9 program Plan.Certif i c ati o n.