Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4912

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12 2 STA T .48 8 9PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 4 3 2 —O CT. 1 6, 2008 employ ee sfr om un s a fee x posure t ora di ation durin g t h e transpor - tation of radioa c ti v e materials .SEC.412 . AL C OH OLA ND CON TR OLLED S UB STANCE TEST I N GF OR M AINTENANCE - OF- W A Y EM P LOYEES. N ot later than 2 years follo w ing the date of enactment of this A ct , the S ecretary of T ransportation shall complete a rule- ma k ing proceeding to revise the regulations prescri b ed under sec- tion 2 014 0oftitle4 9 , U nited States C ode, to cover all employees of railroad carriers and contractors or subcontractors to railroad carriers who perform maintenance-of-way activities. SEC. 41 3 . EMERGENCY ESCAPE BREATHING APPARATUS. ( a ) A MEND MEN T . — Subchapter I I of chapter 201, as amended by section 409 of this division, is further amended by adding at the end the following new section

‘ §2016 6 .Emerg e ncy e s c ap e b rea thi ng apparat u s ‘ ‘Not later than 1 8 months after the date of enactment of the R ail Safety Improvement Act of 2008, the Secretary of Transpor- tation shall prescribe regulations that re q uire railroad carriers— ‘‘(1) to provide emergency escape breathing apparatus suit- able to provide head and neck coverage with respiratory protec- tion for all crewmembers in locomotive cabs on freight trains carrying ha z ardous materials that would pose an inhalation hazard in the event of release

‘‘(2) to provide convenient storage in each freight train locomotive to enable crewmembers to access such apparatus quickly; ‘‘( 3 ) to maintain such equipment in proper working condi- tion; and ‘‘(4) to provide their crewmembers with appropriate training for using the breathing apparatus. ’ ’. (b) C O N F O R M I N G AMENDMENT.—The chapter analysis for chapter 201, as amended by section 409 of this division, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 201 65 the following: ‘ ‘ 2016 6 .Emerg e ncy e s c ap e b rea thi ng apparat u s. ’ ’. SEC. 414. TUNNEL INFORMATION. Not later than 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act, each railroad carrier shall, with respect to each of its tunnels which— (1) are longer than 1000 feet and located under a city with a population of 400,000 or greater; or (2) carry 5 or more scheduled passenger trains per day, or 500 or more carloads of poison- or toxic-by-inhalation haz- ardous materials (as defined in parts 1 7 1.8, 173.115, and 173.132 of title 49, Code of F ederal Regulations) per year, maintain, for at least two years, historical documentation of struc- tural inspection and maintenance activities for such tunnels, including information on the methods of ingress and egress into and out of the tunnel, the types of cargos typically transported through the tunnel, and schematics or blueprints for the tunnel, when available. Upon request, a railroad carrier shall provide peri- odic briefings on such information to the governments of the local j urisdiction in which the tunnel is located, including updates when- ever a repair or rehabilitation project substantially alters the Brief i ngs.D e adl ine. T i m e p eri o d. R e c ords. 49USC201 0 3 no t e. Deadline. Reg u lations. Deadline. 49 USC 20140 note.