Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4941

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12 2 STA T .49 1 8PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 4 3 2 —O CT. 1 6, 2008 oftheDis t r i c tof C o lumb i a, ore n tities re p resentin g those officials, shall d e v elop and implement a single, nation w ide standardi z ed methodolog y for establishing and allocating the operating and cap - ital costs among the S tates and A mtra k associated with trains operated on each of the routes described in section 2410 2 (5) ( B ) and (D) and section 24 7 02 that — (1) ensures, within 5 years after the date of enactment of this Act, e q ual treatment in the provision of like services of all States and groups of States (including the District of Columbia)

and (2) allocates to each route the costs incurred only for the benefit of that route and a proportionate share, based upon factors that reasonably reflect relative use, of costs incurred for the common benefit of more than 1 route . (b) REVIS I ON S.— T he Amtrak Board of Directors, in consultation with the Secretary, the governors of each relevant State, and the M ayor of the District of Columbia, or entities representing those officials, may revise or amend the methodology established under subsection (a) as necessary, consistent with the intent of this sec- tion, including revisions or modifications based on Amtrak ’ s finan- cial accounting system developed pursuant to section 20 3 of this division. (c) REVIE W .— I f Amtrak and the States (including the District of Columbia) in which Amtrak operates such routes do not volun- tarily adopt and implement the methodology developed under sub- section (a) in allocating costs and determining compensation for the provision of service in accordance with the date established therein, the Surface Transportation Board shall determine the appropriate methodology required under subsection (a) for such services in accordance with the procedures and procedural schedule applicable to a proceeding under section 24 9 04(c) of title 49, U nited States Code, and require the full implementation of this method- ology with regards to the provision of such service within 1 year after the Board’s determination of the appropriate methodology. (d) USE O F C HAPT E R 244 FU N D S.—Funds provided to a State under chapter 244 of title 49, United States Code, may be used, as provided in that chapter, to pay capital costs determined in accordance with this section. SEC.210 . LONG-DI S TA NCE R O U TES. (a) IN G ENERA L .—Chapter 247 is amended by adding at the end thereof the following

‘ §24710.Long-dista n cer o u tes ‘ ‘(a) ANNUAL E VALUATION.—Using the financial and perform- ance metrics developed under section 207 of the P assenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act of 200 8 , Amtrak shall— ‘‘(1) evaluate annually the financial and operating perform- ance of each long-distance passenger rail route operated by Amtrak; and ‘‘(2) rank the overall performance of such routes for 2008 and identify each long-distance passenger rail route operated by Amtrak in 2008 according to its overall performance as belonging to the best performing third of such routes, the second best performing third of such routes, or the worst per- forming third of such routes. Deadlin e . Deadline.