Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/496

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12 2 STA T .473PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 SEC.1647 . A SSESS M E NT S OF CONT I N U IN G UTI L IT Y AN D FUTU R E ROLE OF TEM P ORARY DISA B ILITY RETIRED LIST. (a)REPORT RE QUI RE D.—Notl at er t h a n180d a ys a f ter the date of the ena c t m ent of th i s A ct , the S ecretary of D efense shall s ub mit to the con g ressional defense committees a re p ort containing— (1) a statistical history since J anuary 1, 2 000, of the num - bers of members of the Armed F orces w ho are returned to duty or separated following a tenure on the temporary disability retired list and, in the case of members who were separated, how many of the members were granted disability separation or retirement and what were their disability ratings

(2) the results of the assessments re q uired by subsection (b); and ( 3 ) such recommendations for the modification or impro v e- ment of the temporary disability retired list as the Secretary considers appropriate in response to the assessments. (b) REQUIRED A S SESS M E N TS.— T he assessments required to be conducted as part of the report under subsection (a) are the fol- lowing

(1) An assessment of the continuing utility of the temporary disability retired list in satisfying the purposes for which the temporary disability retired list was established. (2) An assessment of the need to require that the condition of a member be permanent and stable before the member is separated with less than a 30 percent disability rating prior toe x ceeding the maximum tenure allowed on the temporary disability retired list. (3) An assessment of the future role of the temporary disability retired list in the Disability E valuation System of the Department of Defense and the changes in policy and law required to fulfill the future role of the temporary disability retire list. SEC. 164 8 . STANDARDS FOR MILITARY MEDICAL TREATMENT FACILI - TIES , SPECIALTY MEDICAL CARE FACILITIES, AND MILI- TARY Q UARTERS H OUSING PATIENTS AND ANNUAL REPORT ON SUCH FACILITIES. (a) EST ABL IS H MENT O F STANDARDS.—The Secretary of Defense shall establish for the military facilities of the Department of Defense and the military departments referred to in subsection (b) standards with respect to the matters set forth in subsection (c). To the maximum extent practicable, the standards shall— (1) be uniform and consistent for all such facilities; and (2) be uniform and consistent throughout the Department of Defense and the military departments. (b) C O V ERED M ILITAR Y FA C ILITIES.—The military facilities cov- ered by this section are the following: (1) Military medical treatment facilities. (2) Specialty medical care facilities. (3) Military quarters or leased housing for patients. (c) SCOPE OF STANDARDS.—The standards required by sub- section (a) shall include the following: (1) G enerally accepted standards for the accreditation of medical facilities, or for facilities used to quarter individuals that may require medical supervision, as applicable, in the U nited States. 10USC 10 7 1 note.