Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/5010

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12 2 STA T .4987PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 4 3 7 —O CT. 20 , 2008 1806)asofthed ateofthee n a c t m ent of th i s A ct sha l l b e the fi r st C hief Ex ec u ti v e O fficer for V isitor S ervices a p pointed b y the Architect under this section .(2 ) TECHNI C AL AN D C O N F O RM IN G AMENDMEN T . — Section 6 7 01 of the U .S. Troop R eadiness , Veterans ’ Care, K atrina Recovery, and I ra q Accountability Appropriation Act of 2007 (2 U.S.C. 1806) is repealed. SEC.203 . G E N E RALDUTI ES OF C H IEF E X ECUTI V E OFFICER. (a) ADMINI S TRATION OF F ACILITIES, SER V ICES, AND ACTIVITIES.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Except to the extent other w ise provided in this Act, the Chief Executive Officer shall be responsible for— (A) the operation, mana g ement, and budget prepara - tion and execution of the Capitol Visitor Center, including all long term planning and daily operational services and activities provided within the Capitol Visitor Center

and ( B ) in accordance with sections 4 01 and 402, the management of guided tours of the interior of the United States Capitol. (2) INDE P ENDENT BU DGET CONSIDERATION.— (A) IN GENERAL.—The Architect of the Capitol, upon recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer, shall submit the proposed budget for the Office for a fiscal year in the proposed budget for that year for the Office of the Architect of the Capitol (as submitted by the Architect of the Capitol to the P resident). The proposed budget for the Office shall be considered independently from the other components of the proposed budget for the Architect of the Capitol. (B) E X CLUSION OF COSTS OF GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF VISITOR CENTER.—In preparing the proposed budget for the Office under subparagraph (A), the Chief Executive Officer shall exclude costs attributable to the activities and services described under section 5 01(b) (relating to continuing j urisdiction of the Architect of the Capitol for the care and superintendence of the Capitol Visitor Center). (b) PERSONNEL, D ISBURSEMENTS, AND CONTRACTS.—In carrying out this Act, the Architect of the Capitol shall have the authority to, upon recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer— (1) appoint, hire, and fix the compensation of such per- sonnel as may be necessary for operations of the Office, except that no employee may be paid at an annual rate in excess of the maximum rate payable for level 15 of the G eneral Schedule; (2) disburse funds as may be necessary and available for the needs of the Office (consistent with the requirements of section 3 03 in the case of amounts in the Capitol Visitor Center Revolving Fund); and (3) designate an employee of the Office to serve as con- tracting officer for the Office, subject to subsection (c). (c) RE Q UIRING APPROVAL OF CERTAIN CONTRACTS.—The Architect of the Capitol may not enter into a contract for the operations of the Capitol Visitor Center for which the amount 2USC 22 13.