Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/5256

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12 2 STA T .5 2 3 3 PROCL A M AT I O N8 21 4—DE C.2 7, 2 0 07 the th ir tieth day a f ter the date onw hi c hthete x tof the p roc l a m ation i s p ub lished in the Fed e ralR e gist er .NOW,THER E F ORE, I , G EORGE W. BUS H, P resident of the United States of A merica, actin g under the authority v ested in me by the C on - stitution and the laws of the United States of America, including but not limited to section 1206( a ) ofthe1 98 8 Act, section 202 of the USSFTA Act, section 202 of the USCFTA Act, and section 60 4 of the Trade Act, do proclaim that

(1) In order to reflect in the HTS the modifications to the rules of ori- gin under the USCFTA, general note 26 to the HTS is modified as pro- vided in Annex I to this proclamation. (2) In order to reflect in the HTS the modifications to the rules of ori- gin under the USSFTA, general note 2 5 to the HTS is modified as pro- vided in Annex II to this proclamation. ( 3 ) Any provisions of previous proclamations and Executive Orders that are inconsistent with the actions ta k en in this proclamation are su- perseded to the extent of such inconsistency. (4) The modifications and technical rectifications to the HTS set forth in Annexes I and II to this proclamation shall be effective with respect to goods entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after the later of (i) February 1, 2008, or (ii) the thirtieth day after the date of publication of this proclamation in the Federal Register. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-sev- enth day of D ecember, in the year of our L ord two thousand seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-second. GEORGE W. BUSH