Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/5463

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B14SU B JECTIND E XPage Page Mas sa chu s et ts LanceCorp ora lE r i c P a u l V al d epena s Pos tOf fice B uildin g, designation . .................................... 42 2 3R oc kyM arciano Post Office Building, designation..................................... 24 90 Mc C a r ter ,Jo h nW. ................................. 65 5 M i chi g an A lon z o W oodruff Post Office Building, designation..................................... 24 8 8 Lieutenant Colonel Cle m ent C. Van Wagoner D epartment of Veterans Affairs Clinic, designation ............. 3 7 2 1N ike Missile S ite, administrati v e transfer ............................................ 556 Mi l itar yO r d ero f the P ur p le H eart of the U nited S tates of Am erica, I ncorporated ................... 719 Minnesota K ooc h iching County, property conveyance ..................................... 4837 Mayor William ‘ ‘Bill ’ ’ Sand b erg Post Office Building, designation .......... 4211 Minorities Commission to Study the Potential Creation of a National Museum of the American Latino, establishment .................................. 784 Minority F armer Advisory Committee, establishment ............ 1446 Mississippi Minnie Co x Post Office Building, designation..................................... 5004 Missouri Reverend Earl Abel Post Office Building, designation .................... 3983 Steve W. Allee Carrier Annex, designation....................................... 730 William ‘‘Bill’’ Clay Post Office Building, designation .................... 2487 Money and F inance Coins America’s Beautiful National Parks Q uarter Dollar Coin Act of 2008 ............................................ 5038 American Veterans Disabled for Life Commemorative Coin Act............................................... 2599 Boy Scouts of America Centennial Commemorative Coin Act .......... 4015 Civil Rights Act of 1964 Commemorative Coin Act .......... 5021 National I nfantry Museum and Soldier Center Commemorative Coin Act ...................................... 3998 $ 1 coins, minting and issuance ........... 648 U nited States Army Commemorative Coin Act of 2008 ............................................ 5017 Public debt limit, increase .......... 2908, 3790 Mortgages Se e H ousing Motor V ehicles Cameron G ulbransen Kids T ransportation Safety Act of 2007 .................................................. 639 Museums Henry Kuualoha Giugni Kupuna Memorial Archives, HI, establishment ................................ 3445 N National G uard See Defense and National Security National Par k s, Memorials, Monuments, E tc. Air Force Memorial, administrative transfer ............................................ 562 J im Weaver Loop Trail, OR, designation....................................... 759 Minidoka, ID Internment National Monument, abolished ...................................... 771 National Historic Site, establishment............................... 770 National Military Working Dog Teams Monument, establishment .............. 563 Nati v e Americans Albu q uerque Indian School Act ............ 5027 Code Talkers Recognition Act of 2008 ................................................ 4774 Jicarilla Apache Nation, NM, land conveyance ..................................... 1553 Mashantucket Pequot ( Western ) Tribe, land leases, extensions.......... 753 Native American Heritage Day Act of 2008 ................................................ 4035 Native American Housing Assistance and Self - Determination Reauthorization Act of 2008 .......... 4319 Nava j o Nation Higher Education Act of 2008 ............................................ 3468 Oregon Surplus Federal Land Act of 2008 ................................................ 4018 Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians Land Transfer Act of 2007 ................................................ 4090 Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians Settlement Act ............................... 2975 White Mountain Apache Tribe Rural Water System Loan Authorization Act .......................... 4191 Ne b raska J. James Exon Federal Bureau of Investigation Building, designation..................................... 3723 Ne w Hampshire Captain Jonathan D. Grassbaugh Post Office Building, designation ............ 651 New Me x ico Jicarilla Apache Nation, land conveyance ..................................... 1553 New Y ork Bob Hope Memorial Library, designation....................................... 795