Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/588

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12 2 STA T .56 5 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 at t endi n gch i l d r en ,m a x im u mca p acit y , and current capacity of the s chool .(2)A description of the standards and processes used b y the S ecretary to assess the ade q uacy of the si z e of school facilities, the ability of facilities to support school programs, and the current condition of facilities. ( 3 ) A description of the conditions of the facility or facilities at each school, including the le v el of compliance w ith the stand - ards described in paragraph (2), any existing or pro j ected facility deficiencies or inadequate conditions at each facility, and whether any of the facilities listed are temporary struc- tures. ( 4 ) An investment strategy planned for each school to cor- rect deficiencies identified in paragraph (3), including a descrip- tion of each project to correct such deficiencies, cost estimates, and timelines to complete each project. ( 5 ) A description of requirements for new schools to be constructed over the next 10 years as a result of changes to the population of military personnel. (c) USEOFR E P O RTA S M ASTER PL A N FOR REPA I R, UP G RA D E, AND C ONSTR UC TION OF SC H OOLS. —T he Secretary shall use the report required under subsection (a) as a master plan for the repair, upgrade, and construction of schools in the D epartment of Defense system that support dependents of members of the Armed F orces and civilian employees of the Department of Defense. SEC.28 8 0 . R E PO R T O NFA C IL ITIES AN D OPERATIONS OF DARNALL AR MY MEDICAL CENTER , FORT H OOD MILITARY RES - ER V ATION, TE X AS. (a) I N G ENERAL.— N ot later than 120 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report assessing the facilities and operations of the Darnall Army Medical Center at Fort H ood Military Reservation, Texas. (b) CONTENT.—The report required under subsection (a) shall include the following

(1) A specific determination of whether the facilities cur- rently housing Darnall Army Medical Center meet Department of Defense standards for Army medical centers. (2) A specific determination of whether the existing facili- ties adequately support the operations of Darnall Army Medical Center, including the missions of medical treatment, medical hold, medical holdover, and W arriors in Transition. (3) A specific determination of whether the existing facili- ties provide adequate physical space for the number of per- sonnel that would be required for Darnall Army Medical Center to function as a full-sized Army medical center. (4) A specific determination of whether the current levels of medical and medical-related personnel at Darnall Army Med- ical Center are adequate to support the operations of a full- sized Army medical center. (5) A specific determination of whether the current levels of graduate medical education and medical residency programs currently in place at Darnall Army Medical Center are adequate to support the operations of a full-sized Army medical center. ( 6 ) A description of any and all deficiencies identified by the Secretary.