Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/660

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12 2 STA T .637PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 8 —FE B.1 5, 2008 ‘ ‘ (1)INGE NE RAL.—TheCom m is sio n sh al l d e p osi t and cr edit aso f fsettin g collections an y fee collected u nder this section in the account ‘ F ederal Trade Commission— S alaries and Ex penses ’, and such sums shall remain a v aila b le until expended. ‘‘( 2 ) LIM I T ATI O N.— N o amount shall be collected as a fee under this section for any fiscal year except to the extent provided in advance by appropriations A cts.’’. SEC.3 . R E PO R T . Section 4 of the D o - Not-Call Implementation Act (1 5U .S.C. 6 1 0 1 note) is amended to read as follo w s

‘SEC. 4 . REPORT ING RE QU IRE M ENTS. ‘‘(a) B IENNIAL R E P ORT S .—Not later than December 3 1, 200 9 , and biennially thereafter, the Federal Trade Commission, in con- sultation with the Federal Communications Commission, shall transmit a report to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and the H ouse of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce that includes— ‘‘(1) the number of consumers who have placed their tele- phone numbers on the registry

‘‘(2) the number of persons paying fees for access to the registry and the amount of such fees; ‘‘(3) the impact on the ‘do-not-call’ registry of— ‘‘(A) the 5-year reregistration re q uirement; ‘‘(B) new telecommunications technology; and ‘‘(C) number portability and abandoned telephone num- bers; and ‘‘(4) the impact of the established business relationship exception on businesses and consumers. ‘‘(b) A D DITIONAL REPORT.—Not later than December 31, 2009, the Federal Trade Commission, in consultation with the Federal Communications Commission, shall transmit a report to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and the House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce that includes— ‘‘(1) the effectiveness of do-not-call outreach and enforce- ment efforts with regard to senior citi z ens and immigrant communities; ‘‘(2) the impact of the exceptions to the do-not-call registry on businesses and consumers, including an analysis of the effectiveness of the registry and consumer perceptions of the registry’s effectiveness; and ‘‘(3) the impact of abandoned calls made by predictive dialing devices on do-not-call enforcement.’’. SEC. 4. RU L EM AK ING. The Federal Trade Commission may issue rules, in accordance with section 553 of title 5, United States Code, as necessary and 15USC6 15 2note.