Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/702

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12 2 STA T .679PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 199 — AP R .9 , 200 8(A)ident i fya nya g en c y ,or gani z ation, or re s earc h er that w i l l b ein v olved in ad m inistering a dr u g treatment p rogram carried out with a grant under subsection (a)

( B ) certify that such drug treatment program has been developed in consultation with the S ingle State Authority for Substance Abuse; ( C ) certify that such drug treatment program shall — (i) be clinically - appropriate; and (ii) provide comprehensive treatment; ( D ) describe how evidence-based strategies have been incorporated into such drug treatment program; and ( E ) describe how data will be collected and analyzed to determine the effectiveness of such drug treatment pro- gram and describe how randomized trials will be used where practicable . (d) REPORTS TO CO NG RESS.— ( 1 ) I NTER IM REPORT.— N ot later than September 30 , 2 00 9 , the Attorney G eneral shall submit to Congress a report that identifies the best practices relating to— (A) substance abuse treatment in prisons, j ails, and juvenile facilities; and (B) the comprehensive and coordinated treatment of long-term substance abusers, including the best practices identified through the activities funded under subsection (b)(3). (2) F IN AL REPORT.—Not later than September 30, 2010, the Attorney General shall submit to Congress a report on the drug treatment programs funded under this section, including on the matters specified in paragraph (1). (e) DE F INITION OF SINGLE STATE A U T H ORIT Y FOR SU B STAN C E ABUSE.— T he term ‘ ‘Single State Authority for Substance Abuse ’ ’ means an entity designated by the Governor or chief e x ecutive officer of a State as the single State administrative authority responsible for the planning, development, implementation, moni- toring, regulation, and evaluation of substance abuse services. (f) AUTHORI Z ATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— (1) IN GENERAL.—There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $ 1 5 ,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2009 and 2010. (2) E Q UITABLE D ISTRIBUTION OF GRANT AMOUNTS.— O f the amount made available to carry out this section in any fiscal year, the Attorney General shall ensure that grants awarded under this section are e q uitably distributed among geographical regions and between urban and rural populations, including Indian Tribes, consistent with the objective of reducing recidi- vism among criminal offenders. Subti t leB—M e n t or in gSEC.21 1. M E NTORI N G GR A NTS TO NON P RO F IT ORGANI Z ATIONS. (a) AUTHORITY TO M A K E GRANTS.—From amounts made avail- able to carry out this section, the Attorney General shall ma k e grants to nonprofit organizations and Indian Tribes for the purpose of providing mentoring and other transitional services essential to reintegrating offenders into the community. 42USC1753 1 . C ertif i ca ti on . Certification.