Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/705

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12 2 STA T .68 2 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 9 9 — AP R .9 , 2008 (B)CONTE NT S.—Atamin im u m , ana p p l i c ati o n f o r a g rant un de rt h i s section shall include— (i) the identification of the eligi b le area that is to be ser v ed and a description of the need for support in such area

(ii) a description of the mentoring, j ob training and job placement, and other services to be provided; (iii) a description of partnerships that have been established w ith the criminal justice s y stem (including coordination with demonstration projects carried out under section 2976 of the O mnibus Crime Control and S afe Streets Act of 1 96 8 , as amended by this Act, where applicable), the local wor k force investment boards established under section 117 of the W orkforce I nvestment Act of 1998 (29 U .S.C. 28 3 2)), and housing authorities that will be used to assist in carrying out grant activities under this section; and (iv) a description of how other F ederal, State, local, or private funding will be leveraged to provide support services that are not directly funded under this section, such as mental health and substance abuse treatment and housing. (2) ELIG I B LE AR EA.—In this subsection, the term ‘ ‘eligible area ’ ’ means an area that— (A) is located within an urbani z ed area or urban cluster, as determined by the Bureau of the Census in the most recently available census; (B) has a large number of prisoners returning to the area each year; and (C) has a high rate of recidivism among prisoners returning to the area. (e) P ER F OR M AN C EO U TCOMES.— (1) CORE IN D ICATORS.—Each nonprofit organization receiving a grant under this section shall report to the Secretary of L abor on the results of services provided to eligible offenders with that grant with respect to the following indicators of performance

(A) R ates of recidivism. (B) Entry into employment. (C) Retention in employment. ( D ) Average earnings. (2) ADDITIONAL INDICATORS.—In addition to the indicators described in paragraph (1), the Secretary of Labor may re q uire a nonprofit organization receiving a grant under this section to report on additional indicators of performance. (f) RE P ORTS.—Each nonprofit organization receiving a grant under this section shall maintain such records and submit such reports, in such form and containing such information, as the Sec - retary of Labor may require regarding the activities carried out under this section. (g) T EC H NICAL ASSISTANCE.—The Secretary of Labor may reserve not more than 4 percent of the amounts appropriated to carry out this section to provide technical assistance and for management information systems to assist grantees under this section. Reports.