Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/776

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12 2 STA T .753PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 22 8—M A Y 8 , 2008 LEGIS L AT I V E H IST ORY— S .2457: HO U SE RE P ORTS: No . 1 1 0–6 11 (C o m m.o n N atur a l R es our c es ) . CONGRESSIONAL RECOR D, Vol. 154 (200 8 ): F e b . 5, cons id ered and p assed Senate. Apr. 2 9 , considered and passed House. PublicLaw1 1 0–2 2 8 110 thCongres s A n Act To pro v ide f ore x tensions of leases of certain land b yM as h antuc k et Pe q uot ( W estern) Tribe. Beit e nac te dby t h e S enate and Hous eo fR e pr esentati v es of the U nited States of Am erica in C on g ress assemb l ed ,SECTION1. E X TENSIONS O FL E A SES OF CE R TAIN LAN DBYM AS H ANT U C K ET P E Q UOT (W ESTERN ) TRIBE. (a)INGE NE RAL.—Anyle a s e ofr es t r ic te d land of t h e M ashant u c k et P e q uot ( W estern) T ri b e (referred to in this section as the ‘ ‘Tribe ’ ’) entered into on behalf of the Tribe by the tribal cor p oration of the Tribe chartered pursuant to section 17 of the Act of J une 1 8, 1 934 ( 25U . S . C . 477), m ay include an option to rene w the lease for not more than 2 additional terms, each of which shall not e x ceed 25 years, sub j ect only to the appro v al of the tribal council of the Tribe. (b) LI A B ILI TYOF UNITE D STATE S .—The United States shall not be liable to any party for any loss resultin g from a renewal of a lease entered into pursuant to subsection (a). (c) PRO H IBITION ON GA M IN G A C TI V ITIES.— N o entity may conduct any gaming activity (within the meaning of section 4 of the Indian Gaming R egulatory Act (25 U.S.C. 27 0 3)) pursuant to a claim of inherent authority or any F ederal law (including the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (25 U.S.C. 2701 et seq.) and any regulations promulgated by the Secretary of the Interior or the National Indian Gaming Commission pursuant to that Act) on any land that is leased with an option to renew the lease in accordance with this section. Approved May 8, 2008. 25USC17 57 a.M a y8, 2 0 08 [ S.2 4 57 ]