Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/865

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12 2 STA T .84 2 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 22 9—M A Y 8 , 2008 ‘ ‘ SEC.1645 . NORTH CO A ST CO U NT YW ATER DI STRICT RECYC L ED WATER P RO J ECT. ‘ ‘ (a)AUTHORIZA TIO N.—TheS e cr e t ar y,in c o o p eration w ith the N orth C oa s tCo u nty W ater D istrict, is authori z e d to participate in the desi g n,p l anning, and construction o f recycled water syste m facilities. ‘‘( b )CO S T SHAR E .—The F ederal share of the cost of the pro j ect authorized by this section shall not e x ceed 25 percent of the total cost of the project. ‘‘(c) L I M ITATION.—The Secretary shall not pro v ide funds for the operation and maintenance of the project authorized by this section. ‘‘(d) AUTHORIZATION O F A P PROPRIATIONS.—There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $ 2,5 0 0,000. ‘‘SEC. 1646. REDWOOD CITY RECYCLED WATER PROJECT. ‘‘(a) AUTHORIZATION.—The Secretary, in cooperation with the City of R edwood City, California, is authorized to participate in the design, planning, and construction of recycled water system facilities. ‘‘(b) COST SHARE.—The Federal share of the cost of the project authorized by this section shall not exceed 25 percent of the total cost of the project. ‘‘(c) LIMITATION.—The Secretary shall not provide funds for the operation and maintenance of the project authorized by this section. ‘‘(d) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $ 1 ,100,000. ‘‘SEC. 164 7 . SOUTH SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECYCLED WATER PROJECT. ‘‘(a) AUTHORIZATION.—The Secretary, in cooperation with the South County Regional Wastewater Authority and the Santa Clara V alley Water District, is authorized to participate in the design, planning, and construction of recycled water system distribution facilities. ‘‘(b) COST SHARE.—The Federal share of the cost of the project authorized by this section shall not exceed 25 percent of the total cost of the project. ‘‘(c) LIMITATION.—The Secretary shall not provide funds for the operation and maintenance of the project authorized by this section. ‘‘(d) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $ 7 ,000,000. ‘‘SEC. 164 8 . SOUTH B AY AD V ANCED RECYCLED WATER TREAT M ENT F ACILITY. ‘‘(a) AUTHORIZATION.—The Secretary, in cooperation with the City of San J ose, California, and the Santa Clara Valley Water District, is authorized to participate in the design, planning, and construction of recycled water treatment facilities. ‘‘(b) COST SHARE.—The Federal share of the cost of the project authorized by this section shall not exceed 25 percent of the total cost of the project. ‘‘(c) LIMITATION.—The Secretary shall not provide funds for the operation and maintenance of the project authorized by this section. ‘‘(d) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $ 8 ,250,000. ’ ’. 43USC 3 90h– 3 1. 43 USC 390h–30. 43 USC 390h– 2 9. 43 USC 390h–2 8 .