Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/98

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12 2 STA T .75PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 and d uri n gpe ri o d s during wh i c h t he A r m ed F orces are dep l o y ed in support o f a contingency operation for which the C i v il R eserve Air Fleet is not activated

and (D) any ris k s to the charter air carrier industry as a result of the e x pansion of the industry in response to contingency operations resulting in increased demand b y the Department of Defense . ( 2 ) A strategic assessment of the viability of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet that compares such viability as of the date of the enactment of this Act with the pro j ected viability of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet 5,10 , and 15 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, including for activations at each of stages 1, 2, and 3— (A) an examination of the re q uirements of the Depart - ment of Defense for the Civil Reserve Air Fleet for the support of operational and contingency plans, including any anticipated changes in the Department ’ s organic airlift capacity, logistics concepts, and personnel and training requirements; ( B ) an assessment of air carrier participation in the Civil Reserve Air Fleet; and (C) a comparison between the requirements of the Department described in subparagraph (A) and air carrier participation described in subparagraph (B). (3) An examination of any perceived barriers to Civil Reserve Air Fleet viability, including— (A) the operational planning system of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet; (B) the reward system of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet; (C) the long-term affordability of the Aviation W ar Risk I nsurance P rogram; (D) the effect on U nited S tates air carriers operating overseas routes during periods of Civil Reserve Air Fleet activation; ( E ) increased foreign ownership of United States air carriers; (F) increased operational costs during activation as a result of ha z ardous duty pay, routing delays, and ineffi- ciencies in cargo handling by the Department of Defense; ( G ) the effect of policy initiatives by the Secretary of T ransportation to encourage international code sharing and alliances; and ( H ) the effect of limitations imposed by the Secretary of Defense to limit commercial shipping options for certain routes and package sizes. ( 4 ) Recommendations for improving the Civil Reserve Air Fleet program, including an assessment of potential incentives for increasing participation in the Civil Reserve Air Fleet pro- gram, including establishing a minimum annual purchase amount during peacetime. (c) S UBMIS SI ONT O CON GRE SS.—Upon the completion of the assessment required under subsection (a) and by not later than April 1, 200 8 , the Secretary shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report on the assessment. (d) COM P TRO L LER GENER A L REPORT.— N ot later than 9 0 days after the report is submitted under subsection (c), the Comptroller