Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1116

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123STA T . 1 096PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .30 , 2009 LandM ana gem en t.No t hi ng in thi s s ub tit l e shall be c onst r ued as limiting access f or hunting , fishing, tra p ping, or recreational shooting. SEC.20 0 3 . AUTHORIZ ATIO N O F A P PROPRIATIONS. T here are authori z ed to be appropriated such sums as are necessar y to carry out this subtitle. Subti t leB—Pr e h i s t o ri cT r a c kw a y s N atio n al M onu m ent SEC. 2 1 01. FIN D IN G S. C ongress finds that —(1) in1 987 ,ama j or deposit of P aleozoic E ra fossilized footprint megatrac kw ays was disco v ered in the R obledo Moun - tains in southern New Me x ico

( 2 ) the trackways contain footprints of numerous amphib- ians, reptiles, and insects (including previously unknown spe- cies), plants, and petrified wood dating back approximately 28 0 ,000,000 years, which collectively provide new opportunities to understand animal behaviors and environments from a time predating the dinosaurs; ( 3 ) title I II of Public Law 101 –5 78 (10 4S tat. 28 6 0)— ( A ) provided interim protection for the site at which the trackways were discovered; and ( B ) directed the Secretary of the Interior to— (i) prepare a study assessing the significance of the site; and (ii) based on the study, provide recommendations for protection of the paleontological resources at the site; (4) the Bureau of Land Management completed the Paleo- zoic Trackways Scientific Study Report in 1994, which characterized the site as containing ‘ ‘the most scientifically significant Early Permian tracksites ’ ’ in the world; (5) despite the conclusion of the study and the recommenda- tions for protection, the site remains unprotected and many irreplaceable trackways specimens have been lost to vandalism or theft; and (6) designation of the trackways site as a National Monu- ment would protect the uni q ue fossil resources for present and future generations while allowing for public education and continued scientific research opportunities. SEC. 2102. DEFINITIONS. In this subtitle

(1) M ONUME N T .—The term ‘‘Monument’’ means the Pre- historic Trackways National Monument established by section 2103(a). (2) PU BLIC L A N D .—The term ‘‘public land’’ has the meaning given the term ‘‘public lands’’ in section 103 of the F ederal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U .S.C. 1702). (3) SEC R ETAR Y .—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ means the Secretary of the Interior. NewM e xico.16USC43 1 n o t e. 16 USC 720 3.