123STA T .9 3 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 3 —FE B. 4, 2 0 09 ‘ ‘ (8)VOTINGA N DREP ORTING RE QU IRE M ENT S.—Withresp e c t t o e a ch reco m me nd ation contained in a report s ub mitted under para g raph ( 1 ) , each member o fMACP AC sha l l v ote on the recommendation, and MACPAC shall include, b y member, the results of that vote in the report containing the recommenda - tion. ‘‘( 9 ) EX AMINATION O FB UDGET C ONSEQUENCES.— B efore ma k ing any recommendations, MACPAC shall e x amine the budget conse q uences of such recommendations, directly or through consultation w ith appropriate expert entities. ‘‘(c) MEMBERS H IP.— ‘‘(1) N UMBER AND APPOINTMENT.—MACPAC shall be com- posed of 1 7 members appointed by the Comptroller G eneral of the U nited S tates. ‘‘( 2 ) Q UA L IFICATIONS.— ‘‘(A) I N GENERAL.— T he membership of MACPAC shall include individuals who have had direct experience as enrollees or parents of enrollees in Medicaid or C H IP and individuals with national recognition for their expertise in F ederal safety net health programs, health finance and economics, actuarial science, health facility management, health plans and integrated delivery systems, reimburse- ment of health facilities, health information technology, pediatric physicians, dentists, and other providers of health services, and other related fields, who provide a mix of different professionals, broad geographic representation, and a balance between urban and rural representatives. ‘‘(B) INCLUSION.—The membership of MACPAC shall include (but not be limited to) physicians and other health professionals, employers, third-party payers, and individ- uals with expertise in the delivery of health services. Such membership shall also include consumers representing chil- dren, pregnant women, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities, current or former representatives of State agen- cies responsible for administering Medicaid, and current or former representatives of State agencies responsible for administering CHIP. ‘‘(C) MA J ORIT Y NONPRO V IDERS.—Individuals who are directly involved in the provision, or management of the delivery, of items and services covered under Medicaid or CHIP shall not constitute a ma j ority of the membership of MACPAC. ‘‘( D ) ETHICAL DISCLOSURE.—The Comptroller General of the United States shall establish a system for public disclosure by members of MACPAC of financial and other potential conflicts of interest relating to such members. Members of MACPAC shall be treated as employees of Congress for purposes of applying title I of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (Public L aw9 5– 521). ‘‘( 3 ) TERMS.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The terms of members of MACPAC shall be for 3 years except that the Comptroller General of the United States shall designate staggered terms for the members first appointed. ‘‘(B) VACANCIES.—Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring before the expiration of the term for which the member ’ s predecessor was appointed shall be