Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1324

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123STA T . 13 04PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .30 , 200 9(2)USEOF E XI S T I NG INFO RMA TION .—Inpre p a r i n g an ystud ies re l ating t o t h e P ro j e c t , the S ecretary shall, to the m a x- imum extent practica b le, use existing studies, including engineering and resource in f ormation pro v ided by, or at the direction of— ( A ) F ederal, State, or local agencies

and ( B ) the D istrict. ( 3 ) R EIM BU RSEMENT RE Q UIREMENT.— (A) AMOUNT.— T he Secretary shall recover from the District as reimbursable expenses the lesser of— (i) the amount e q ualto3 5 percent of the cost of the Project; or (ii) $ 2, 90 0,000. (B) M ANNER.—The Secretary shall recover reimburs- able expenses under subparagraph (A)— (i) in a manner agreed to by the Secretary and the District; (ii) over a period of 1 5 years; and (iii) w ith no interest. ( C ) CRE D IT.—In determining the exact amount of reimbursable expenses to be recovered from the District, the Secretary shall credit the District for any amounts it paid before the date of enactment of this Act for engineering wor k and improvements directly associated with the Project. ( 4 ) PRO H IBITION ON O P ERATION AND MAINTENAN C E COSTS.— The District shall be responsible for the operation and mainte- nance of any facility constructed or rehabilitated under this section. (5) L IABI L IT Y .—The United States shall not be liable for damages of any kind arising out of any act, omission, or occur- rence relating to a facility rehabilitated or constructed under this section. ( 6 ) E FFECT.—An activity provided Federal funding under this section shall not be considered a supplemental or additional benefit under— (A) the reclamation laws; or (B) the Act of August 11, 1939 (16 U.S.C. 590y et seq.). ( 7 ) AUTHORI Z ATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There is author- i z ed to be appropriated to the Secretary to pay the Federal share of the total cost of carrying out the Project $ 8 ,250,000. SEC.9106 . RIOG R AND E PU E BL OS , NE WM E X ICO. (a) FINDINGS AND PURPOSE.— (1) FINDINGS.—Congress finds that— (A) drought, population increases, and environmental needs are exacerbating water supply issues across the western United States, including the Rio G rande Basin in N ew Mexico; (B) a report developed by the Bureau of Reclamation and the Bureau of Indian Affairs in 2000 identified a serious need for the rehabilitation and repair of irrigation infrastructure of the Rio Grande Pueblos; (C) inspection of existing irrigation infrastructure of the Rio Grande Pueblos shows that many key facilities,