Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1556

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123STA T . 1 5 3 6PUBLIC LA W 111 – 13 — AP R .21 , 2 0 0 9examin e pr i v a cy i s s u es , resp o nse ra t es, an d ot h er re l evant issues .‘ ‘ (3)SOURCES O FDAT A. —T oo b tain data f or the C ivic H ealth A ssessment, the partnership shall consider— ‘‘(A) data collected throu g h public and private sources

and ‘‘( B ) data collected by the Bureau of the Census, through the Current P opulation Survey, or by the Bureau of L abor Statistics, in accordance w ith paragraph ( 2 ). ‘‘( 4 ) D E M O G RA PHI C CHARACTERISTICS.—The partnership shall see k to obtain data for the Civic Health Assessment that will permit the partnership to analy z e the data by age group, race and ethnicity, education level, and other demo - graphic characteristics of the individuals involved. ‘‘( 5 ) O THER ISSUES.— I n obtaining data for the Civic Health Assessment, the partnership may also obtain such information as may be necessary to analyze— ‘‘(A) the role of Internet technology in strengthening and inhibiting civic activities; ‘‘(B) the role of specific programs in strengthening civic activities; ‘‘(C) the civic attitudes and activities of new citizens and immigrants; and ‘‘(D) other areas related to civic activities. ‘‘(e) R EPORTI N G OF DATA.— ‘‘( 1 ) IN GENERA L .—The partnership shall, not less often than once each year, prepare a report containing— ‘‘(A) detailed data obtained under subsection (d), including data on the indicators comprising the Civic Health Assessment; and ‘‘(B) the analyses described in paragraphs (4) and (5) of subsection (d), to the extent practicable based on the data the partnership is able to obtain. ‘‘(2) AGGREGATION AND PRESENTATION.—The partnership shall, to the extent practicable, aggregate the data on the civic health indicators comprising the Civic Health Assessment by community, by State, and nationally. The report described in paragraph (1) shall present the aggregated data in a form that enables communities and States to assess their civic health, as measured on each of the indicators comprising the Civic Health Assessment, and compare those measures with comparable measures of other communities and States. ‘‘(3) SU B MISSION.—The partnership shall submit the report to the authorizing committees, and make the report available to the general public on the Corporation ’ s website. ‘‘(f) PUBLIC INPUT.—The partnership shall— ‘‘(1) identify opportunities for public dialogue and input on the Civic Health Assessment; and ‘‘(2) hold conferences and forums to discuss the implications of the data and analyses reported under subsection (e). ‘‘(g) V OLUNTEERING RESEARCH AND EV ALUATION.— ‘‘(1) RESEARCH.—The partnership shall provide for baseline research and tracking of domestic and international volun- teering, and baseline research and tracking related to relevant data on the indicators described in subsection (d). In providing Public i nformat ion .We b p o s tin g .